
Can homogenous mixtures be seen?

Can homogenous mixtures be seen?

You can’t pick out components of a homogeneous mixture or use simple mechanical means to separate them. You can’t see individual chemicals or ingredients in this type of mixture. Only one phase of matter is present in a homogeneous mixture.

Can you visually tell a homogeneous mixture from a pure substance?

It may be impossible to visually distinguish between a homogeneous mixture and a pure substance. However, you can tell them apart if you know their composition. There is more than one component in a homogeneous mixture, while a pure substance consists of a single element or compound.

Can a solution be seen under a microscope?

A true solution contains small solute particles molecules or ions dispersed throughout solvent the particles are invisible even under a microscope a suspensino contains very much larger insoludle particles which may be visible to naked eye and certainly visible under a microscope.

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In which of the following mixture particles Cannot be seen even with a microscope?

Detailed Solution A solution is a homogeneous mixture. The size of solute particles in a solution is extremely small. It is less than 1 nm in diameter. The particles of a solution cannot be seen even with a microscope.

Can homogeneous and heterogeneous classify?

Since the properties of compounds and elements are uniform, they are classified as substances. When two or more substances are mixed together, the result is called a mixture. Mixtures can be classified into two main categories: homogeneous and heterogeneous.

What are the characteristics of homogeneous mixture?

Homogeneous mixtures are mixtures that appear the same throughout the mixture. Their composition does not vary. Water, vinegar, and soda are examples.

When a colloidal solution is observed under a microscope we can see?

Light scattered by colloidal particles.

When a colloidal solution is observed under microscope?

Scattering of light from the surface of colloidal particles-tyndall effect is observed. When a colloidal solution is observed under an ultramicroscope.

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What is the name of the solutions in which solute particles Cannot be seen with naked eye but become visible when observed under powerful optical microscope?

Colloidal solution: The solution appears to be homogeneous, the particles can scatter a beam of light, they do not settle down when left undisturbed, it is stable and particles cannot be seen by naked eyes.

What is not a homogeneous mixture?

A heterogeneous mixture is simply any mixture that is not uniform in composition — it’s a non-uniform mixture of smaller constituent parts. You can find many examples of heterogeneous mixtures in solid, liquid and gaseous form throughout nature.