
How is CTC decided?

How is CTC decided?

It is calculated by adding salary to the cost of all additional benefits an employee receives during the service period. If an employee’s salary is ₹500,000 and the company pays an additional ₹50,000 for their health insurance, the CTC is ₹550,000. Employees may not directly receive the CTC amount.

What is your expected cost to company?

When a job is advertised, the abbreviation CTC – cost to the company – is often seen next to the salary package. The CTC is the entire amount a company is willing to pay for an employee, whereas your nett salary is your take-home pay after deductions such as tax, medical aid, UIF etc.

How do I request a CTC?

Formula: CTC = Gross Salary + Benefits. If an employee’s salary is ₹40,000 and the company pays an additional ₹5,000 for their health insurance, the CTC is ₹45,000.

What is basic salary CTC?

Basic salary is a rate of pay agreed upon by an employer and employee and does not include overtime or any extra compensation. Gross salary, however, is the amount paid before tax or other deductions and includes overtime pay and bonuses. For instance, if an employee has a gross salary of Rs.

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How do I answer ‘what is your expected CTC?

The best answer is to tell upfront your expected CTC. Do some research in advance before attending the interview to find the salary range for your job profile and experience level.

What is CTC in salary with example?

What is CTC in salary with example? CTC means Cost To Company. The total cost that a company would incur, on an employee, in a year. Per month salary and other benefits that the company pays an employee, are actually cost to the company.

What is the meaning of CTC package?

CTC means Cost To Company. The total cost that a company would incur, on an employee, in a year. Per month salary and other benefits that the company pays an employee, are actually cost to the company. CTC package is a term often used by private sector Indian companies while making an offer of employment.

What is the expected CTC for a job in Odisha?

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If a person’s current company is Bhubaneswar in Odisha and his current CTC is 2 lacs AND he finds a job in Bangalore, then his expected CTC should be more than 30\% (because Bhubaneswar is not a metropolitan city to offer that much salary, so you can ask in Bangalore for a hike).