Why does current flow through a conductor?

Why does current flow through a conductor?

When an electric current flows in a conductor, it flows as a drift of free electrons in the metal. Electricity flows easily through a conductor because the electrons are free to move around in the object. Whenever there is a movement of electrons through a conductor, an electric current is created.

Does charge flow on the surface of a conductor?

This net force would begin to accelerate and move these electrons. But objects at electrostatic equilibrium have no further motion of charge about the surface. The electric field lines either begin or end upon a charge and in the case of a conductor, the charge exists solely upon its outer surface.

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What happens when AC passes through a conductor?

But in the alternating current system, current tends to flow with higher density through the surface of the conductors (i.e., the skin of the conductor), leaving the core deprived of current. Increased effective resistance but reduced effective internal reactance of the conductor.

How does electron flow in a conductor?

Electrons flow from the negative terminal through the conductor to the positive terminal. They are repelled by the negative terminal and attracted by the positive terminal. Electric current was discovered before physicists knew about free electrons.

Why is AC current better?

A major advantage of alternating current is that its voltage can be modified relatively easily using a transformer, which allows power to be transmitted at very high voltages before being taken down to safer voltages for commercial and residential use.

What is the effect caused if current is not flowing through the conductor?

The materials which do not allow electric current to pass through them easily are called poor conductor of electricity. For example, rubber, plastic and wood. Due to the h eating effect of current, the filament of the bulb of the tester gets heated to a high temperature and it starts glowing.

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Why does current flow towards the surface of a conductor?

This is due to the Lorentz force. As the current enters the conductor it creates a magnetic field. This magnetic field acts on the continuing current- charge in motion- forcing the motion perpendicular to that of the original current. This force brings the charge towards the surface of the conductor.

How is current distributed over the cross-section of a conductor?

When AC is flowing through a conductor, the current is non-uniformly distributed over the cross-section in the manner that the current density is higher at the surface of the conductor compared to the current density at its centre.

Why does AC produce an eddy current instead of electrons?

About the fact of that the current at AC flows at the outer area is due in the inner part of the conductor it is produced eddy currents generating a magnetic field opposed to the electron moving ones repelling them as two magnets in opposite directions.

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What is the difference between DC and AC current?

Dc or Direct Current – As the name suggests, the current that always flows in one direction and does not move back and forth is called as the direct current. The most common example of DC is battery. AC or Alternating Current- The current that flows back and forth and not in one direction is termed as the alternating current.