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What happened to Byzantine royal family?

What happened to Byzantine royal family?

A short answer is that the male line descendants died out in a few generations as far as is known, but several Palaiologos princesses married into other families and their descendants lasted after the last known male lineage descendants of the Palaiologos dynasty.

What happened to the Romans and the Byzantine Empire?

It survived the fragmentation and fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century AD and continued to exist for an additional thousand years until it fell to the Ottoman Empire in 1453. During most of its existence, the empire was the most powerful economic, cultural, and military force in Europe.

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Are there any living descendants of the Byzantine emperors?

Though there had been a Greek delegation sent to Italy and England after the Greek War of Independence, in search for supposed heirs of the Byzantine emperors, they found no living heirs of their ancient emperors.

Was the Byzantine Empire hereditary?

Following the establishment of the rival Holy Roman Empire in Western Europe, the title “Autokrator” (Gr. In the medieval period, dynasties were common, but the principle of hereditary succession was never formalized in the Empire, and hereditary succession was a custom rather than an inviolable principle.

Where did the Byzantines go?

At its greatest extent, the Byzantine Empire covered much of the land surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, including what is now Italy, Greece, and Turkey along with portions of North Africa and the Middle East.

What happened to the Byzantine crown?

What happened to the Byzantine Crown Jewels? They were pawned to Venice by empress Anna of Savoy in 1343. The Byzantines did try to get it back multiple times but Venice preferred to keep them as a bargaining tool. They stayed there until 1797 when Republic of Venice fell to the French.

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Is it possible to trace the British royal family’s Byzantine ancestry?

There were a number of palace coups in Byzantium’s long history, but upstarts tend to marry daughters of earlier ruling families or their close relatives in attempts to legitimize their thrones, so you might be able to trace the British royal’s Byzantine ancestors to some members of Constantine the Great’s court.

Why don’t non-royals have records of the Byzantine Empire?

With non-royals, the records just aren’t there to provide a link to imperial Rome. Those records may exist for European royals through the Byzantine emperors. As I recall, the current British royal family is descended from at least two of the later Byzantine emperors.

What was the law of inheritance in Byzantine Empire?

There was no law which regulated inheritance in Byzantine Empire. Nevertheless the offsprings of the imperial family sold the right to claim the throne to Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile, Spanish monarchs. This was inherited by Charles V, Holy Roman emperor. Yet he never styled himself a Byzantine or Constantinopolian emperor.

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Was Charles V a Byzantine or Byzantine emperor?

This was inherited by Charles V, Holy Roman emperor. Yet he never styled himself a Byzantine or Constantinopolian emperor. Being a Roman Emperor was a part of his title though after he was crowned Roman Emperor by the Pope (he was the last man to receive this title ever).