
Which god idol should be kept in entrance of house?

Which god idol should be kept in entrance of house?

Lord Ganesha
Idols of Lord Ganesha at the entrance or above the front door are a common feature in Indian homes. As some people believe that placing Lord Ganesha with his back to the house is inauspicious, so another statue or picture of him is placed on the inner side of the entrance. This, it seems, will make things all right.

Where do you place Drishti Ganesha?

How to worship. By worshipping Drishti Ganapathy in home one can Shuba Drishti Ganapathy image or idol has to be put on the south wall, facing the NORTH direction.

Can we keep Ganesh idol on main door?

Vastu for Ganesha pictures and idols at home You can also keep the Ganesha murti at the main door, facing inside. If you are placing Lord Ganesha images, it should face the main entrance of the home. Do not place the Ganesha idol in the south direction.

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Can we Gift Lord Ganesha?

Dancing Ganesh idols should not be given even as a gift. It is believed that keeping such idols in the house or giving them as gifts is not considered good.

Where to place Ganesh idols in Your House?

Vastu experts say that Ganesha’s idol should be placed either in the north, west, or north-east direction. The idol should not face the south as it will do harm. It should not be placed near a toilet, washroom, or against a wall. Keep a Drishti Ganesh opposite the main entrance of your house to ward off evil.

Why is Lord Ganesha installed outside the main gate of your home?

Vastu also interprets this practice in another way. When Lord Ganesha is installed outside your main gate, his back is towards our home and his auspicious gaze is towards outside. This is far from what is desired by us.

How to please Lord Ganesha with his trunk tilted?

Ganesha with his trunk tilted towards his right hand is difficult to please. Whenever you are placing the idol of Ganesha, remember that a mouse and modak should be a part of the statue. It pleases Ganesha easily. In your pooja-ghar, always keep only one idol of Lord Ganesha.

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How to worship Ganesha at home?

Those who desire self-growth should bring vermilion colour Ganpati at home and worship daily. If you are placing Ganesha’s idol at your workplace, remember to place an idol of standing Ganesha. This brings energy and enthusiasm to work. The idol of sitting Ganesha is best for worshipping in your house.