
What are the odds of getting an internship with Google?

What are the odds of getting an internship with Google?

Although exact acceptance rates are hard to come by, a Google spokesperson estimated it to be somewhere around 3.75\%, making the internship program statistically harder to get into than Harvard.

Can interns give referrals at Google?

Yes, if a referrer has submitted your information through our portal you’ll receive an email invitation to accept their referral. If accepted, this referral will automatically be attached to your open application.

How do I bold a Google internship?

Most students start with the Google Immersion Program and later apply to the BOLD internship. To apply, students must be in their sophomore year (the program takes place before junior year begins) and be in excellent academic standing. Why is this program worth your time?

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What are the chances of getting an internship at Google?

Here is a link to a post about the hiring process at Google. Fortunately for you, the chances of getting an internship at Google are much higher! Based on a Business Insider article, the internship acceptance rate is about 1500/40,000 (3.75\%). That’s anywhere from 5x – 30x higher!

What is the acceptance rate for a full time job at Google?

Based on the following link, the acceptance rate for full time jobs at Google is a little less than one percent (0.77\%). This is just an estimate from the WSJ. Don Dodge, a Developer Advocate who actually works at Google, estimates that the number is even smaller (0.1\% – 0.4\%). Here is a link to a post about the hiring process at Google.

How long should I wait to reapply for an internship?

We recommend waiting 6-12 months before reapplying in order to improve your skills and experience, and maximize your hiring potential. Are Google internships paid? Yes, all Google internships are paid. I forgot to attach my essay questions to the STEP internship application; can I add them retroactively?

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Where can I find a job at Google as a student?

Head to our Google Students YouTube page and find our Virtual Career Fair, tips, info, and more. Where can I find other roles and opportunities at Google? Find all jobs on our Google Careers site, and check out scholarships, programs, events, and more at