How do you use eagerly in a sentence?

How do you use eagerly in a sentence?

Eagerly sentence example

  1. The crowd moved eagerly from the balcony toward the porch.
  2. The next moment two bees flew eagerly in.
  3. This idea was eagerly received.
  4. She turned, eagerly absorbing his information.

Can you start a paragraph with regardless?

Yes, using ‘regardless’ in the beginning of a sentence is perfectly acceptable, and infact, is used extensively by many people. To understand the usage of the word ‘regardless’, try going through these examples. Notice how almost all sentences that use the word ‘regardless’ is followed by the preposition ‘of’.

What’s another word for eagerly?

1 enthusiastic, desirous; interested. 2 fervent, zealous, fervid, intent, intense, earnest.

What is an example of eagerly?

The definition of eager is ready and impatient to do something. An example of eager is a child who is very excited and waiting for her first trip to Disney World.

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What does eagerly mean?

If you do something eagerly, you do it with much excitement and enthusiasm.

What can I say instead of eagerly waiting?

What is another word for eagerly await?

lick your lips salivate
enthusiastically anticipate anticipate with pleasure
be eager to be consumed with desire for
await with anticipation intently await
wait for itch for

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A misplaced comma can change the meaning of your whole sentence. Grammarly’s sentence checker ensures that all your commas, apostrophes, periods, and semicolons are used in the right place at the right time. Enhance your writing. Looking for more?

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Correct sentence in your writings can cater well for the purpose, but obtaining this correctness is nowadays redefined through our online software grammar tool. We regularly witness the content demands of the world and all these needs deserve having quality content too.

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What is grammarly and how does it work?

It’s a comprehensive writing tool that helps you write clear, flawless text that will impress your readers. With Grammarly, you’ll build writing skills while you’re correcting grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes as well as sentence structure problems, misused words, typos, and more.

How does Grammarly help with punctuation errors?

Say goodbye to punctuation errors. A misplaced comma can change the meaning of your whole sentence. Grammarly’s sentence checker ensures that all your commas, apostrophes, periods, and semicolons are used in the right place at the right time.
