Tips and tricks

Do things happen on their own?

Do things happen on their own?

We often complain that time is passing very slowly or moving too fast. Indeed, it is unpredictable and surprises us every now and then. Sometimes things just happen, and we don’t get the chance to prepare ourselves to absorb it, whether it’s success or failure.

Can I make things happen with my mind?

Getting anything you want out of life is as simple as telling yourself you already have that thing. It’s a bit strange, but anything you think about or rehearse in your mind actually makes it come true or get better! By thinking positively and visualizing success, you can shape your life with your thoughts.

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When you let things happen naturally?

Imagine allowing things to happen naturally, and things work out, and all you did was smile and watch. You don’t have to worry about shaping things, about controlling something that doesn’t want to be controlled. You don’t have to push, and fix leaks, and put out fires. You just let things work on their own.

What is the saying about your third love?

Falling In Love the 3rd Time: The Love that Lasts. And the third is the love we never see coming. This is the love where we come together with someone and it just fits—there aren’t any ideal expectations about how each person should be acting, nor is there pressure to become someone other than we are.

Do you think that everything happens for a reason?

No, I don’t think that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes things happen and there is simply no reason or explanation for it. Sometimes unfortunately, things just happen that’s out of our control, like being at the wrong place at the wrong time. But almost always, things happen because of a choice or decision we made.

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Why do things happen in life?

Sometimes things happen and there is simply no reason or explanation for it. Sometimes unfortunately, things just happen that’s out of our control, like being at the wrong place at the wrong time. But almost always, things happen because of a choice or decision we made.

Do bad things happen for a reason?

It can be distressing to think that bad things happen merely through chance or accident. But they do. The saying that everything happens for a reason is the modern, New Age version of the old religious saying: “It’s God’s will.” The two sayings have the same problem – the complete lack of evidence that they’re true.

Why do some events occur?

In history, economics, biology, and psychology, we should always be willing to consider evidence for the alternative hypothesis that some events occur because of a combination of chance, accidents, and human irrationality.