
Can an employer ask you to do tasks not in the job description?

Can an employer ask you to do tasks not in the job description?

So, the short answer is, yes, your employer may assign you tasks not specifically outlined in your job description. Unless you work under a collective bargaining agreement or contract, your employer can legally change your duties.

Can I refuse a task at work?

An employee is legally entitled to refuse any request which is illegal in some way, e.g. fly-tipping. Note. They can also legally refuse any task that puts their (or others) health and safety at risk. Equally, they may have received training but not grasped enough to be competent in the task you want them to carry out.

Can a manager ask you to perform other duties as required?

One thing to realize is that many if not most job descriptions include a phrase similar to “Other duties as required.” As long as the majority of your work is include in your current job description then your management is not out of line in asking you to perform a few extra duties.

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Why did my boss send me to another manager’s office?

It’s possible your boss sent you so you could interact with that person. It’s part of your bosses job to “sell” her good employees to other more senior managers. This is a mutually beneficial thing. This is an easy way for employees to gain visibility from other managers.

Should you do anything your boss asks you to do?

That doesn’t mean you should necessarily do anything your boss asks you to. If a task is truly inappropriate, or you don’t have time, or you have some other good reason for turning it down, follow this advice for retaining your job along with your integrity:

What are your job duties?

On every job, a person has certain tasks they are required to perform on a daily basis. Generally, you are apprised of the job responsibilities while you are interviewing for a job. Granted, your job duties can change from time to time. Your supervisor may want you to take on added responsibilities or make tweaks to your job description.