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Do you have more free time in college than in high school?

Do you have more free time in college than in high school?

Your Schedule In college, your schedule is more flexible and spread out. You will have much fewer classes than you did in high school. And with fewer classes, there are fewer assignments. That means more free time.

Do you have freedom in college?

Besides other freedoms, college life also comes with freedom of choice. You can choose whether you want to skip a class or attend it; get involved in misconduct or become an exemplary person; become a substance abuse addict or live a healthy life. Freedom of choice allows you to make good choices and bad ones.

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How much free time should you have in college?

College students on average will have 3 to 5 hours of free time every day. On average, students can expect to spend 25-30 hours per week on class work. Upperclassmen will tend to have less free time because of harder classes. However, underclassmen will tend to have more free time due to easier classes.

What is personal freedom in school?

College is voluntary and cost money. Your time is usually structured by others. You manage your own time. You need permission to participate in extracurricular activities.

How do you balance college freedom and responsibility?

Stay On Top of Things Pay attention in class, don’t be afraid to ask questions, and go to office hours if you need to. Stay on top of your homework, papers, and exams so you can still have your free time later. If you get behind, it can be hard to get caught up.

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What are the differences between high school and college life?

#1: You’ll Have More Independence The biggest change for high school vs. college is that, in college, you’ll have much more independence than you had in high school. Many people focus on the fact that you’ll be living away from your parents, and this is a part of it, but you’ll have independence in many other areas as well.

Is College harder or easier than high school?

So, you might be wondering if college is harder than high school and if college is a lot of work. Well, it’s a myth that college is harder. In many ways, college is actually easier than high school. Here’s why… 1. The Classes and Subjects This time, you get to choose! As opposed to high school, college is full of choices.

Do your grades make a difference in University?

“High school can feel like a bit of a race at times—your grades can make a big difference in being accepted to university, and I always felt like I was competing with my peers to get the best marks. In university, it’s more about the journey than the finish line.

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Are You Nervous about going to college?

You might be among the many who are planning to go to college but are nervous, even hesitant, about entering yet another difficult school regime. But we are here to tell you that your high school days are over! We understand that you might be worried about going to college and starting to study again.