What does it mean when he answers a question with a question?

What does it mean when he answers a question with a question?

So the person who answers the question with the question means that he / she is convinced that he / she is superior or wiser than the other person. We can say that two individuals who constantly ask each other questions are competing for wisdom or superiority. This is used as a tactic in job interviews.

How do you ask God questions?

For all those who want to hear God speak to them, I have good news. It’s actually really simple….1. Ask God about yourself.

  1. How do You see me?
  2. What are You doing in my life right now?
  3. What do You say about the pain in my past?
  4. What do You want me to know about my future?
  5. What Bible verse do You have for me right now?

Where does the problem lie or lay?

“To lie” is intransitive, meaning someone or something lies—down, for instance. When problems place themselves (intransitively) somewhere, they “lie,” not “lay.” On the other hand, if someone were taking those problems and placing them somewhere (transitively), then that person would be “laying” the problems somewhere.

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What do you call a question with no answer?

A rhetorical question is a question asked to make a point, rather than get an answer. If you have ever been late, someone might say: ‘What time do you call this? ‘ This person doesn’t want an answer to the question.

Why do so many people question God?

God later answers him and he rejoices in the Lord. His question was coming from a sincere heart. The problem is many people often question God with a rebellious untrusting heart not truly trying to get an answer from the Lord. They try to attack the character of God because God allowed something to happen, which is a sin.

Does God answer my prayers?

Does God answer prayers? The short answer to this question is, “Yes!” God has promised that, when we ask for things that are in accordance with His will for our lives, He will give us what we ask for ( 1 John 5:14–15 ). However, there is one caveat to add to this: we may not always like the answer.

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What does the Bible say about having questions about God?

The Bible actually records many examples of people having questions for God. In his suffering, Job threw out question after question to God (Job 7:17-21). His struggles were so intense that, at some point, he rebuked God (Job 40:1-2) after receiving frustrating advice from his friends.

Does God always give us what we ask for?

The short answer to this question is, “Yes!” God has promised that, when we ask for things that are in accordance with His will for our lives, He will give us what we ask for ( 1 John 5:14–15 ). However, there is one caveat to add to this: we may not always like the answer.