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Are INTJs bad at sports?

Are INTJs bad at sports?

This includes individual sports like swimming, skiing, extreme sports, martial arts, bowling and gymnastics; INTJs tend to be bad on team sports, such as football, basketball or ice hockey.

Are INTJs good at sports?

INTJs will often enjoy the strategic elements in sports, and will take full advantage of this. Being able to predict their opponent’s moves by analyzing their actions, is very exciting for INTJs. There is a lot of problem solving and strategy that goes into most sports, and INTJs will often enjoy this aspect very much.

Can INTJs be competitive?

Finally, along this line, many INTJs are quite competitive. They may not view it as much a game as an INTP would, but they are out to “win”, precisely because they don’t view it as a game, but a serious challenge. So, if you mean to “beat an INTJ at their own game” to be a better INTJ than an INTJ is, don’t bother.

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Which MBTI is good at sports?

Of all the personality types, Assertive Executives (ESTJ-A) were the most likely to agree with the statement, “You tend to do well in active, physical sports” (76\%).

Why are INTJs so competitive?

INTJs are naturally competitive people and so the chance to do this in a more intense setting can actually be something they are entertained by. They are especially drawn to this in the things they are most passionate about, and don’t mind that their competitive nature might be a bit too much for others to handle.

Is INTJ the most powerful?

Are INTJs the most powerful type of them all? To the extent that “powerful” means having “self-power”— absolute awareness of and confidence in one’s abilities — then yes, INTJs are the most powerful of all the personality types.

Why are intjs so good at war?

INTJs may be especially good at waging psychological warfare. With their strong poker-faces and subtle mind games, INTJs can weaken their opponents confidence and focus. ENTPs can be very competitive in a Machiavellian way.

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Do ENFJs like to play sports?

ENFJs promote a spirit of equanimity and cooperation among others and so for them, competition can often be seen as something that undermines that. ENFJs themselves are not especially competitive but they may still appreciate the spectacle of sports events and how it brings people together to show enthusiastic support for their team.

Why are ENTJ’s so competitive?

ENTJs are highly energized and stimulated by competition and often use it as a motivational tool to bring out the very best in both themselves and their team. Having mountains to climb and dragons to slay excites the ENTJ.

Are ESTJs more competitive than isfjs?

The competitive side of ISFJ is more likely to emerge in the form of jealousy when they perceive someone as standing in between them and something or someone they desire. ESTJs enjoy competition as a test of their abilities and can be competitive in an almost cutthroat way.