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Did Android 17 Wish bring back all 18 universes?

Did Android 17 Wish bring back all 18 universes?

Combined attacks by 17 and Frieza destroy Jiren’s barrier and following Goku and Frieza teaming up to take Jiren out of the ring, Android 17 becomes the only contestant remaining, winning the tournament and wishing for all the universes erased during the tournament to be restored.

What was 17s wish?

When Android 17 made his big wish, the man was a bit vague about his desire. The fighter simply said to, “please restore all of the universes that were erased.” The Omni-Kings ordered that to be done verbatim, and fans watched as all the worlds annihilated via the tournament were brought back.

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Why did Android 17 get the wish?

When asked what his wish would be, he wished to bring back all of the eliminated universes instead of his cruise around the world with his family. So not only does Android 17’s efforts help secure Universe 7’s victory and existence, his wish made sure that every universe got that same guarantee.

Were all 18 universes in Dragon Ball Super?

Formerly, there were 18 universes in total, but Zeno erased 6 of them when he was angry. All events that occur in Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, as well as the God of Destruction Beerus Saga and Golden Frieza Saga in Dragon Ball Super take place in Universe 7.

How did Android 17 come back to life?

Android 17 is ultimately killed when Semi-Perfect Cell self-destructs on King Kai’s planet. 17’s life is restored after the Z Fighters use the Dragon Balls to revive those who died as a result of Cell’s campaign.

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What happened to Future Trunks in the past?

In Cell ‘s timeline, Future Trunks uses a Shut Down Remote that was created from the Android blueprints he found in Dr. Gero ‘s lab to successfully destroy Future Android 17 and Future Android 18. Shortly later, Future Trunks is killed by Cell, who steals his Time Machine to absorb Android 17 and Android 18 in the past.

What happened to Future Trunks in Dragon Ball Z?

After returning to his timeline to defeat the Androids, he is never seen in the series again. In Dragon Ball Z Movie 9, while talking to Chi-Chi, Bulma states that Future Trunks came back to the past one last time to enter the World Tournament.

Did trunks pull on Future Trunks hair?

For a minute, Trunks incessantly pulled on Future Trunks’ hair! Future Trunks was born in Age 766 and is from an alternate timeline, one in which the Earth is continually terrorized by Future Android 17 and Future Android 18.

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Is Future Trunks a Saiyan?

Future Trunks. Future Trunks (未来のトランクス, Mirai no Torankusu, lit. Trunks of the Future) is the Saiyan and the Human hybrid son of Vegeta and Bulma from an alternate timeline. By the time Present Trunks was born, the timeline had been altered by Future Trunks’ and Cell’s trips to the past had occurred.
