
Who is Palpatines family?

Who is Palpatines family?

Family Unnamed Palpatine clone (son) Rey (granddaughter)
Religion Sith Order
Master Darth Plagueis
Apprentice Darth Maul Count Dooku Darth Vader Kylo Ren (proxy)

Who is Palpatines mom?

This woman was the matriarch of House Palpatine, one of Naboo’s noble families. She was the wife of Cosinga Palpatine and mother to at least three sons and two daughters. According to her eldest son, she was weak-willed, often acting subservient to her husband.

Who is Cosinga Palpatine father?

Sheev Palpatine’s father, who according to Legends sources, may have been named Cosinga Palpatine, was a member of the nobility on Naboo. He fathered Palpatine 84 years before the Battle of Yavin, and raised him on the planet that he would later become Senator of.

Is Rey Palpatines daughter?

After his confrontation with the phantom Emperor Palpatine, the new Supreme Leader learns that she is in fact the granddaughter of the Dark Lord of the Sith himself. And in a way is also his daughter. Rey’s father was a genetic clone of the Emperor himself.

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Who is Palpatines wife?

All details on Darth Sidious/Senator Palpatine’s relationships are a bit sketchy at best, however there were a few women who claimed to have had physical relations with him at least. His Director of Intelligence, Ysanne Isard, for one and the Emperor’s Hand, Roganda Ismaren, for another. But he was never married.

Who was Sidious wife?

In what’s known as the non-canon legends history of Star Wars it is clear that he never married, but there were rumors that he might have fathered children. In non-canon material it is said that Palpatine had a number of concubines and never took a wife in fear that he would produce a legitimate heir.

Who was Palpatines girl?

And in The Rise of Skywalker we finally learn that Rey is actually the granddaughter of Palpatine. Her parents—one of which is the child of Palpatine—abandoned her on Jakku to keep her safe from her grandfather who was aware of her power.

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Is Rey Palpatines daughter or granddaughter?

While Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker confirmed that Rey is the granddaughter of Emperor Palpatine, the novelization of the movie means it can be taken that she is actually his daughter.