
Are INTJ bad at school?

Are INTJ bad at school?

Probably not. Although there is a common myth that all INTJ’s are smart and perform well in school, that is not the case for everyone.

Are INTJs good test takers?

INTJs are often excellent at taking tests, and find it comes naturally for them. ENTJs are often great at test taking, sometimes even without studying.

Are INTJs bad?

Unhealthy INTJs legitimately don’t care how other people feel. They’re so fixated on their own goals and ideas that they dislike making room for anyone else’s emotional needs. The technical reasons for this: Without adequate development of Feeling, INTJs can become lopsided in their development.

Do intjs like academics?

INTJs really enjoy academics. They love to learn, to experience and understand new ideas, and this personality type can often be found in academic settings as students or even as teachers. This is where INTJs thrive and feel at home, and their analytical and ideas obsessed brains usually drive them to do well in their chosen academic field.

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What is an INTJ personality type?

Most people think of INTJs in connection to academics and there’s a reason for this. This personality type loves to learn and push themselves to understand new ideas, and academic environments give them the permission and the resources they need to do this. Which is why INTJs are often found in places of higher learning in a variety of roles.

What’s the worst thing you can do to an INTJ friend?

Perhaps the worst thing you can do to an INTJ friend is show up at their house unannounced. Second worst? Invite them out — only 45 minutes before you want to meet them.

Do INTJ’s have good memories?

INTJs don’t usually have very good memories. Their brains are chaotic, full of swirling ideas and half formed theories, and it can be difficult for them to remember or find specific pieces of information.