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Is CodeChef and codeforces same?

Is CodeChef and codeforces same?

Anyone starting with competitive programming ( CP ) comes across these two banners : CodeChef and CodeForces. In any group of CP enthusiasts you’ll find half of them arguing in favor of CodeChef while the other half advocates for CodeForces. This debate sometimes gets a little too heated on StackOverflow, Quora etc.

What is codeforces and CodeChef?

it’s a way how you want to code if you want to code more frequent in a more competitive environment codeforces is the better option. If you want to code less and learn to debug and all then codechef is better. One more thing to notice codeforces have a super fast rating system, while codechef takes 10s of days.

Which is better codeforces or CodeChef Quora?

As far as the quality of questions is concerned, both of these platforms are equally good. Are you a coder who wants to improve his timing and typing speed. Opt for CodeForces.

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When will CodeChef rating be updated?

I remember that rating was updated within just 12 hours after a long contest. For short ones, usually it takes 2-3 hours.

What is the interview process like at codecodechef?

CodeChef’s interview process is very different unlike most other companies including its parent Directi. Due to COVID-19, all of the rounds were virtual. – 1 st and 2nd question were of beginner level. – 3rd question (Easy) – You are given an array A1, A2, …, An of size N.

Why are coding interviews important for a programmer?

Coding Interviews are such an important thing in a programmer’s life that he just can’t get away with that. It’s the first hurdle they need to cross to get the software developer job they wish throughout their school and college days.

What are the best resources to prepare for programming job interviews?

And, if you prefer books, there is no better than the Cracking The Coding Interview, by Gayle Laakmann McDowell which presents 189+ Programming questions and solutions. A good book to prepare for programming job interviews in a short time. Btw, I will also earn some money if you buy any of these resources mentioned here.

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Is coding interview flawed?

To make the matter worse, you will find that so many people on the internet telling that coding interview is flawed, the hiring process for programmers sucks and so on but you don’t need to pay attention to them, not at least at the start of your career. They may be right but they are inside the train which you are trying to get into.