Tips and tricks

Does Asgore absorb the human souls?

Does Asgore absorb the human souls?

After you defeat Undyne in genocide she says that Alphys has called Asgore and told him to absorb the 6 human souls.

How many souls did Asgore need to break the barrier?

seven human SOULs
The barrier can be broken, but seven human SOULs are required to do so. Only eight humans have ever fallen through the barrier: the first human, the six humans whose SOULs were collected by Asgore, and the protagonist.

Why does Omega Flowey look so weird?

Appearance. Flowey’s face distorts as he absorbs the human SOULs. After absorbing the human SOULs, Flowey transforms into a grotesque, flower-shaped hybrid of plant tissue, human organs, and machinery. Consisting entirely of rendered images, Photoshop Flowey is stylistically different from anything else in the game.

What are the 7 human souls in Undertale?

The original SOUL colors from Undertale are as follows:

  • Red (Determination * )
  • Cyan (Patience)
  • Orange (Bravery)
  • Blue (Integrity)
  • Purple (Perseverance)
  • Green (Kindness)
  • Yellow (Justice)
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What are the six human souls in Undertale?

As does the protagonist, Frisk, the six humans have a heart-shaped soul that contains their essence and is a certian colour. These colours are Green, Yellow, Blue, Purple, orange and Cyan. Frisk first meets them in the game before they and Asgore fight, where all six of them are trapped in bottles.

Why did Asgore go to war with humanity?

The tragedy of his children’s deaths led Asgore to declare war on humanity in a fit of anger. He swore to kill any human that fell into the Underground and planned to use their SOULs to break the barrier and destroy all humans. Toriel, disgusted with him, left New Home and returned to the Ruins.

Why doesn’t Sans react to Asgore in genocide?

So perhaps this is why in Genocide he seems confused/caught off-guard. Sans clearly refers to you as something that isn’t human, way before this. In Pacifist, you can even tell Asgore that he has killed you before, and he doesn’t even react to this that much. Not to mention his ability to destroy the mercy button.

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Does killing Asgore hurt that much?

When Asgore is killed, the damage dealt to him is very high. Even with the extreme defenses one gets from the six souls, I can’t see this not hurting really bad when Frisk (Chara mostly), s Omega Flowey, with the six human souls was still defeatable, although that was only because the souls rebelled against him.

How does Asgore destroy the mercy button?

On the Neutral Route before the fight begins, Asgore destroys the MERCY button. While on the Genocide Route, the MERCY button is already absent. He attacks mainly with fireballs and his trident. Asgore forces the protagonist to fight him, and the protagonist cannot spare Asgore.