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How good does your vision have to be to be a surgeon?

How good does your vision have to be to be a surgeon?

Surgeons: Good near vision is a must for surgeons, who work with delicate machines or small instruments for hours. Often, surgery is a matter of life or death.

Are eye floaters a big deal?

Floaters — those spots, lines, or other shapes you see before your eyes — aren’t a big deal most of the time. They come and go and are usually harmless, if annoying. But there are times when floaters could be a sign of a problem.

Can doctors see floaters in eyes?

Yes, your eye doctor can see eye floaters during an eye exam. While most of the time floaters are harmless, sometimes they can indicate a serious, sight-threatening eye problem – such as retinal detachment.

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Can a 20 year old have eye floaters?

Most people see floaters some time during their lives. Many individuals notice some floaters even in their teens and 20s, and people who are nearsighted are particularly likely to have floaters at a younger age. Floaters tend to become more frequent as a person ages.

Can a one eyed person become a surgeon?

Note: A one-eyed person should not consider surgery as a field, they could not succeed in the surgical training without depth perception.

Can I get Lasik if I have floaters?

They tend to have a slightly translucent, but dark, quality to them. LASIK should not affect floaters: LASIK should not make floaters worse nor should LASIK make floaters better.

Can I become doctor with poor eyesight?

Originally Answered: Can I become a doctor with poor eyesight? Yes, you can. You probably will not be able to do radiology because it involves sitting in front of the computer for hours and making crucial diagnoses on often very subtle findings., in addition computers screens might do more harm to your eyesight.

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Can you become a doctor if you’re blind?

We believe that more than twenty blind doctors are currently practicing medicine successfully in this country. But there are numerous other types of work in medicine, and blind persons have been discouraged, if not barred, from entering most of them.

How do ophthalmologists treat eye floaters?

An ophthalmologist removes the vitreous through a small incision (vitrectomy) and replaces it with a solution to help your eye maintain its shape. Surgery may not remove all the floaters, and new floaters can develop after surgery. Risks of a vitrectomy include bleeding and retinal tears.

What are the risks of a vitrectomy for Eye floaters?

Surgery may not remove all the floaters, and new floaters can develop after surgery. Risks of a vitrectomy include bleeding and retinal tears. Using a laser to disrupt the floaters.

Can you have Eye floaters without a headache?

These visual symptoms can also occur without a headache. This condition is called an ocular migraine. Other causes of eye floaters include: If you have symptoms of light flashes, a sudden increase in floaters, shadows in your vision, or a curtain over your vision, see your eye doctor right away.

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Why do Cataracts cause eye floaters?

A cataract forms in the lens of your eye, which sits adjacent to your vitreous. Cataract surgery can disrupt your vitreous and retina. The ultrasound waves used to break up the cataract during surgery increases your chances of floaters. Trauma. Eye or head trauma can also disrupt your vitreous.