
How do you feel about online exams?

How do you feel about online exams?

Online exams have definitely been beneficial for me. I find myself thinking less about the practicalities of an examination and, instead, focusing my attention on revision. I really appreciate having the time to read into topics and study them in depth, rather than memorising superficial information to pass a test.

Is the entrance exam hard?

It takes a lot of hard work to prepare for entrance exams but along with hard work, knowing some tips and tricks can only benefit your preparation. Remember, cracking an entrance exam is not about hard work but about doing your best in the examination hall.

How can I pass any entrance exam?

How to Start Your Preparation for Entrance Exams?

  1. Know the Exam. To be able to crack tough nuts like NEET, AIIMS, JEE, etc.
  2. Time management is the key. It is rightly said that time and tide wait for none.
  3. Understand the Concepts.
  4. Inculcate Note Taking Habit.
  5. Study every day.
  6. Know your weaknesses.
  7. Never give-up.
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What are the pros and cons of online exam?

The advantages include better turnaround time, a hassle-free process, automation of manual processes, economical for institutions, highly secure, etc. Meanwhile, the disadvantages of an online examination system are shifting to an online platform, grading of long answer-type questions, cheating, etc.

How do I take the online exam?

You can choose between multiple choice questions or free text questions. The students are provided with a link to the online exam, they sign up and can take the exam. They see the results immediately afterwards.

What do schools look for in the Common Entrance Exams?

“ Children who do well in the Common Entrance exams are those who have acquired age-appropriate skills and subject knowledge, but also the ability to apply them. Schools are not looking for regurgitated knowledge, but want to see how students can apply what they have learned, evaluate, interpret and analyse.

How does an online exam system work?

In such an exam system you can create questions and add them to the exam. You can choose between multiple choice questions or free text questions. The students are provided with a link to the online exam, they sign up and can take the exam. They see the results immediately afterwards.

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Why online exams are taking over pen-and-paper exams?

A shift from offline to online is needed to mitigate the stress and strain associated with pen-and-paper exams. The rise in online examination tests is a one-time solution to all your problems, especially when COVID-19 has disrupted the learning and examination continuity.