
What country does the most harm to the environment?

What country does the most harm to the environment?

1. China (30\%) The world’s most populated country has an enormous export market, which has seen its industry grow to become a serious danger to the planet. In just five provinces, which that host most of these industries ,more dioxide is emitted than in any other country in the world.

Are developing nations really concerned about the environment?

The poor in developing countries generally have the least access to clean water sources, and those same populations also may be the most directly exposed to environmental risks such as vector-borne diseases and indoor air pollution from solid fuel use.

What has caused problem for the environment?

Overpopulation This is a never-ending human tragedy that is responsible for causing all types of environmental issues. Water pollution, resources crisis, gender imbalance, pollution, land pollution, urban sprawling, deforestation, over production are some common examples of dangerous effects cause by overpopulation.

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Why are developing countries more polluted?

Industrialization, urbanization, agriculture, forest fires, desert dust, and inadequate waste management have intensified environmental health risks and pollution, especially in developing countries.

How do the rich and the poor pollute differently?

The poor pollute less when less poor and the rich pollute less when less rich. Alternatively we could consider something as simple as the proportion of people who cycle or walk to work in each country. This ranges from 50 per cent (in the Netherlands) to less than 5 per cent (in the US). Everything is connected.

Are rich countries really more unequal?

Bear in mind also that the figures for the very rich are probably an underestimate because so much of their income and wealth is hidden, especially in the most unequal countries. All the same, it is clear that some rich countries are substantially more unequal than others, ranging from the most unequal – the US – to the most equal – Denmark.

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Why do the best-off countries waste more energy than the average person?

This is because the best-off in a country tend to waste more energy, heat their homes more than they need to, drive more than they need to in bigger gas-guzzling cars, take more flights and require more cement and other materials to construct their larger-than-needed buildings, while at the same time buying and throwing away more items.

Which countries have the most affluent cities?

Among the most affluent 25 countries three stand out as extreme in this regard: the US, Canada and Australia. These three are among the least densely populated countries in the rich world and driving distances between homes and workplaces are often long, but they have chosen to arrange their cities in this way.