
Who does Captain America have a crush on?

Who does Captain America have a crush on?

Sharon Carter (also known as Agent 13) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. She is usually depicted as a secret agent, an ex-field agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. under Nick Fury, and a love interest of Captain America/Steve Rogers.

Does Batman respect anyone?

Though it can be rather difficult for someone to get on his good side, a few people have made it through and earned Batman’s respect. Batman is not known for being the friendliest hero out there. There are only a select group of people out in the DC Universe that Batman actually respects.

Is Captain America better than Batman?

Both Batman and Captain America are great martial artists and there is no clear winner here, despite Batman knowing more arts than Captain America. Batman would surely find something in his hand-to-hand fighting arsenal to defeat Cap, but objectively – there is no real difference.

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Where did Batman and Captain America fight in the comics?

In the third issue of the crossover, Captain America and Batman fought in the sewers of Manhattan, where they had a pretty even fight. Cap even proclaimed he’s never fought someone who he was “so evenly matched with” – including the Red Skull, Hydra and Zemo.

Is Batman’s IQ higher than Captain America’s?

Despite the enhanced intellect the super soldier serum provided Captain America with, Batman’s IQ is undoubtedly higher – he is more educated and the world’s greatest detective. Furthermore, the proof is in the pudding – Cap can’t build advanced weaponry or sustain a business empire the way Bruce does.

Why didn’t Namor and Captain America recognize each other?

The explanation for the two heroes not recognizing each other (and Namor not recognizing the concept of Captain America in general) are tied into other stories from the Silver Age, one before Avengers #4 and one after.

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Can Batman beat Captain America with a batarang?

Batman and Captain America exchange multiple blows for hours on end. However, water eventually gushed through a sewer vent knocking Steve Rogers on his feet as he threw his shield and missed Batman. The Caped Crusader managed to hit Captain America with his batarang, but immediately rescued Cap from drowning.