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What first comes into your mind when you think about God?

What first comes into your mind when you think about God?

“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”

Why is it important to have a high view of God?

A high view of God enables us to believe that God is in our suffering for good. We may not see all He is doing in this life, but we know His character. We know that He will never fail in accomplishing any of the good ends that He has designed. So indeed, we believe God during those times because we know who He is.

Can God see what you’re doing?

He knows what he is doing at all times. God knows all things, past, present and future, real and potential, and he knows them all at the same time. He not only knows what was, and what is, he also knows what will be. The Bible says that God searches the hearts of men (Romans 8:27).

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What noise does the devil make?

Tasmanian Devils make a range of sounds including raspy screams, shrieks, growls, snorts and grunting calls. These sounds are often heard when devils are feeding at night. They are generally territorial, solitary creatures and guard their food aggressively.

How can I Fill my Mind with God’s truth?

If you have never done so, confess your sins to Him today, and by faith ask Him to come into your heart. Then fill your mind with God’s truth. In other words, don’t just empty your mind of evil thoughts, but fill it with good thoughts — in other words, with God’s truth as it is found in the Bible.

What does the Bible say about our thoughts?

Remember, God is just as concerned about our thoughts as He is about our actions, and He doesn’t want evil thoughts to occupy our minds. One reason God destroyed the world in Noah’s time was because “every inclination of the thoughts of his (man’s) heart was only evil all the time” (Genesis 6:5).

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Why does God allow these thoughts to happen in Me?

I believe God allows these thoughts to happen in us as a way of pointing out the deeper fears within in us that God wants to help us overcome.

What should I do when evil thoughts come into my mind?

Then when evil thoughts come into your mind, immediately turn your attention to God’s promises and His love for you. The Bible says, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you” (Psalm 119:11).