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Which Astrology is the oldest?

Which Astrology is the oldest?

Western astrology, one of the oldest astrological systems still in use, can trace its roots to 19th–17th century BCE Mesopotamia, from where it spread to Ancient Greece, Rome, the Arab world and eventually Central and Western Europe.

Where did Vedic astrology come from?

1) Origins of Vedic astrology Rooted in the Vedas, India’s ancient system of knowledge, Vedic astrology is based on the belief that the stars and planets have a powerful influence on our lives. According to Hindu teachings, life is meant for spiritual growth.

When did Vedic astrology start?

In the West it is often called Vedic Astrology, Hindu astrology or Indian astrology. The origins of Jyotish are lost in the mists of time, but is thought to have originated between 5,000 BC-10,000 BC from the Vedantas, along with Yoga and Ayurveda and the great spiritual teachings of such works as the Bhagavan Gita.

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Is astrology older than religion?

Astrology is thousands of years old and most religions come from the same roots. So we find that these astrological themes are repeated over many religions.

Why is Vedic astrology accurate?

There are number of reasons because of which Vedic astrology is very accurate and gives most reliable and precise predictions. Hence Vedic astrology is moon based system and thus covers all aspects of life. Hence, makes the Vedic astrology is a most accurate system of making of predictions.

Is astrology mentioned in the Vedas?

These Vedas have a vast ocean of knowledge of both the material and spiritual kind. It is the knowledge given by Shri Krishna to the Rishis, the sages of Vedic culture. That Vedic literature talks a lot about astrology and the knowledge of it has been passed on from generation to generation since time immemorial.

Is the age of Aquarius the age of Vedic astrology?

But the western new age community has already declared today’s era as the Age of Aquarius, which any Vedic Astrologer would not. Second, Vedic astrology is being practiced since time immemorial and has been ongoing as an unbroken chain of tradition passed on to generations.

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Is Western astrology better than Vedic astrology?

Today’s western astrology is only 150 years old at most. The knowledge would, therefore, be less trustworthy in comparison to really old Vedic astrology. Third, Vedic Astrology comes from Vedic thoughts and philosophy since it is rooted in the Vedas.

Why is it called janam-Patri in Indian Vedic astrology?

That is why it is termed as a Janam-Patri in Indian Vedic Astrology. In the Indian Astrology, also known as MOON ASTROLOGY has its Origins in the Indian Ancient Vedas, the oldest sacred texts. In the Indian Astrology System there are TWLEVE ZODIAC SIGNS.