
How many Numberphile videos are there?

How many Numberphile videos are there?

The videos are produced by Brady Haran, a former BBC video journalist and creator of Periodic Videos, Sixty Symbols, and several other YouTube channels….

Total views 600.35 million (Numberphile) 15.78 million (Numberphile2) (October 9, 2021)
Associated acts Periodic Videos Sixty Symbols CGP Grey

What university is Numberphile?

Dr James Grime is a mathematician and public speaker. Formerly of the Millennium Mathematics Project for the University of Cambridge, James now runs the Enigma Project and travels the world giving public talks. James is also a presenter on the YouTube channel numberphile.

How do you prove 1+2+3+4+5+… = -1/12?

The particular proof as offered in the video is certainly open to question – even if the end result: 1+2+3+4+5+… = -1/12 can actually be proved under certain definitions, using the Riemann Zeta function. The proof in the video requires that firstly we accept that the infinite summation, 1-1+1-1+1-1… = 1/2.

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Does 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + equal -1/12?

Now, that’s not to say that the Numberphile team were just straight up messing with our heads. The -1/12 value can be proven in a number of ways, and the result is certainly useful. But 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + definitely does not “equal” -1/12 in any way that a person would normally think about it.

Is 1+2+3+4+ = -1/12 mathematically legitimate?

In any case I’m willing to believe 1+2+3+4+ . . . = -1/12 is a mathematically legitimate thing to write down for the following three reasons. 1. Euler, who was one of the greatest mathematicians of all time, proved the equation for real numbers.

Is -1/12 equal to an equal sign?

Yes, but only if, to you, an equal sign means something other than “is equal to.” Now, that’s not to say that the Numberphile team were just straight up messing with our heads. The -1/12 value can be proven in a number of ways, and the result is certainly useful.