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What does it mean when a girl says its OK?

What does it mean when a girl says its OK?

“That’s Okay” means that she wants to think long and hard before deciding what the penalty will be for whatever you have done. “That’s Okay” is often used with the word “Fine” and in conjunction with a raised-eyebrow “Go Ahead.” Once she has had time to plan it out, you are in for some mighty big trouble.

What to do if you tell a girl you love her and she doesn’t say it back?

  1. Give Yourself A Break. When you tell someone you love them and they don’t say it back, it’s easy to beat yourself up over it.
  2. Give Your Partner Time To Process What You Said. Brothers91/E+/Getty Images.
  3. Leave The Issue Alone For A While.
  4. Try To Understand Where You Partner Is Coming From.
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When do you know it’s time to tell a girl you love her?

When you and a girl (ideally your girlfriend) get along so well that you think to yourself, “Yep, this is the one” It’s time to tell her you love her. And as long as you can learn how to get a girlfriend, you can learn how to tell a girl you love her.

Should I tell my girlfriend that I love her back?

If you aren’t 100\% sure she’ll tell you she loves you back, give it more time. It’s entirely possible to rush into those words (I know I’ve done it) and expressing your love before she’s made up her mind about how she feels about you can lead to devastating results.

Will a girl tell you if you’re wrong if she loves you?

But if she just uses you and doesn’t really love you, she will not tell you if you’re wrong. In fact, she wouldn’t care if you are wrong. At the same time, someone who truly loves you will not let you believe that you are always right.

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What does it mean when a girl says Okay?

When a girl says okay it means not okay. When a girl says okay it means maybe. When a girl says okay it means not sure. When a girl says okay it means just for you. Summary : Some girls are like big puzzle which we are unable to solve. To solve this try to understand the situation in which she is saying okay.