
What ladies need to know about men?

What ladies need to know about men?

7 Things Women Need to Know About Men

  • We can only do one thing at a time.
  • We appreciate the little things.
  • Don’t mistake our kindness for weakness.
  • We care less about looks than you think.
  • The worst thing you can do is put us down.
  • We think a woman’s most attractive quality, is her confidence.

What qualities would you want in a man?

He’s smart.

  • He makes you laugh.
  • He actively supports your career.
  • He makes as much effort with your friends and family as you do with his.
  • He’s emotionally intelligent.
  • He respects your opinions and listens to what you have to say.
  • He’s willing to put the work in.
  • He celebrates your achievements.
  • How do we come to know about a man?

    Often you can tell a lot about a guy by how others act around him, who his friends are, what grades he gets, etc. Listen in on his conversations. If you see him talking to someone before or after class, sit nearby and listen or walk by and try to catch a few of the words.

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    What a woman should be to a man?

    Women desire a man who is honorable, fair, and ethical. In terms of relationships, having integrity can help strengthen the bond a man has with a woman, as his moral principles will guide his behavior and help him to be the best partner that he can be.

    What every man should own?

    A suit that actually fits

  • One great coffee table book every guest will pick up
  • A bottle opener you didn’t get for free at 2-for-1 night
  • Headphones On-ear,over-ear,in-ear-just make sure they’re good
  • A do-everything bag
  • A decent watch It can be a vintage watch.
  • A chef’s knife that wasn’t part of the knife set you got for your wedding
  • What are somethings freshman should know?

    Here are 20 things freshman in high school need to know: 1. Know it’s okay to say “no”. 2. Talk to people and even start random conversations; that’s the only way you’ll meet new people. 3. If your friend isn’t there for you through thick and thin, than that friend isn’t a very good friend.

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    What men should be?

    Be fearless. Being fearless does not mean being without fear, being fearless means admitting your fears and going…

  • Be resilient. A man should be flexible and reliable at the same time. If necessary he can start all over again at any…
  • Live, speak and listen from the heart. A real man doesn’t hide his…
  • What to look for in a man?

    He makes you feel loved. Do you feel cared about,liked,and loved by the guy who you are with?

  • He’s fiscally fit. Does your guy respect the value and importance of money?
  • He doesn’t get jealous. Is your guy ecstatic when you land a new job,get a promotion,or have a great time without him when you’re with friends,coworkers
  • He respects you for who you are. Your guy loves you,for who you are,complete with all of your imperfections.
  • He has confidence. A confident guy is able to say he’s sorry and stand up for himself,and he isn’t afraid of being wrong.
  • He has a sense of humor. Life is full of unanticipated ups and downs,so being able to have a sense of humor,even during the more difficult times,…
  • He listens and talks. (As long as he listens twice as much as he talks!) Communicating with your guy is the most important component of your relationship.
  • He wants to make you happy. This one is a no brainer.
  • He’s self-sacrificing. He shows you how much he cares about you by putting you first.
  • He focuses on you.