
Do you say in contrast to or in contrast with?

Do you say in contrast to or in contrast with?

You say by contrast or in contrast, or in contrast to something, to show that you are mentioning a very different situation from the one you have just mentioned.

How do you use an expression in contrast?

If one thing is in contrast to another, it is very different from it. His public statements have always been in marked contrast to those of his son. That is in stark contrast to the situation during the 1970 oil crisis.

What does it mean in contrast to?

phrase. If one thing is in contrast to another, it is very different from it. His public statements have always been in marked contrast to those of his son.

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Do you say in contrast?

If there is a valid context for comparison between the statistics and the figure, and this comparison would indicate that they are at opposite ends of the same spectrum, then yes, using “in contrast” is appropriate.

What part of speech is in contrast to?

Aside from functioning as a conjunctive adverb, “in contrast to” can also be the object of a verb, in which case it takes no punctuation whatsoever. His actions stood in contrast to his expressed emotions.

What does pronunciation guide for the word contrast help people to understand about the word being defined?

to exhibit unlikeness on comparison with something else; form a contrast. Linguistics. to differ in a way that can serve to distinguish meanings: The sounds (p) and (b) contrast in the words “pin” and “bin.” noun.

What is another way to say in contrast?

What is another word for in contrast to?

than compared to
in distinction to in opposition to
in comparison to compared with
up against contrasted with
in contrast with to
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What’s another way to say by contrast?

What is another word for by contrast?

conversely however
in contrast contrastingly
inversely oppositely
on the other hand instead
on the contrary rather

What part of speech is in contrast?

transitive verb

part of speech: transitive verb
related words: compare
part of speech: intransitive verb
pronunciation: k n traest

What part of speech is contrast?

parts of speech: transitive verb, intransitive verb, noun features: Word Combinations (verb, noun), Word Explorer. part of speech: transitive verb.

What is contrast in English grammar?

contrast – n. a difference between people or things that are being compared. concession – n. grammar. a clause which begins with “although” or “even though” and which expresses an idea that suggests the opposite of the main part of the sentence.

What is the difference between ‘In contrast’ and ‘By contrast’?

‘In contrast’ is followed by ‘to’ or ‘with’ according to your preference. ‘By contrast’ is used with a clause or sentence, not simply a noun. ‘In contrast with the previous example, the following example shows ….’ versus ‘By contrast, the following examples shows …’

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What is the frequency of the word ‘in contrast’?

The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) shows “in contrast to” as having a frequency of 4706, compared to “in contrast with” which only has a frequency of 463. The Google Ngram Viewer indiates that “in contrast to” is more common in the present day in both American and British English.

When did the word ‘in contrast’ become so popular?

After an early period (roughly from 1800 to 1910) when “in contrast with” was a bit more common than “in contrast to,” the latter took off and—at the height of its popularity around 1980—was more than four times as popular in published writing as the former.

Is it appropriate to use ‘in contrast’ when comparing statistics and figures?

If there is a valid context for comparison between the statistics and the figure, and this comparison would indicate that they are at opposite ends of the same spectrum, then yes, using “in contrast” is appropriate. To address your edit, I believe all of the following are correct: Contrastingly, the figure shows good completeness.