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What types of problems does Afghanistan still face today?

What types of problems does Afghanistan still face today?

Already plagued by insecurity, COVID, corruption, government over-centralization and mismanagement, declining revenues and drought, the Afghan economy will now face a host of challenges in the aftermath of the Taliban’s takeover and the international community cracking down on aid and assistance.

Can I adopt an Afghan child?

In order to adopt a child from Afghanistan, you will need to meet the requirements of the Government of Afghanistan and U.S. immigration law. In order to obtain guardianship of an Afghan child, you must file a guardianship petition with the Afghan Family Court.

How many orphans are there in Afghanistan?

1.6 million
But in the country, the war leaves not only ruins, poverty, and unemployment, but also countless orphans. UNICEF estimates the number of orphans around the world at 143 million. Afghanistan alone has 1.6 million.

How can we solve poverty in Afghanistan?

To reduce poverty, Afghanistan must focus on strengthening agriculture, investing in human development and managing and mitigating risks that increase poor people’s vulnerability.

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Why is Afghanistan suffering from poverty?

According to Aryana Aid, poverty in Afghanistan stems from two factors: “food insecurity and the lack of a social security net.” As a result, 50 percent of Afghan children are stunted and 20 percent of Afghan women of child-bearing age are underweight.

Is there a solution to the Afghanistan problem?

The only solution to the Afghanistan problem is a mass engagement with the Taliban leadership, excluding their very top leaders. Second- and third-tier Taliban leaders might be wooed if offered loads of money and increased participation in Afghan politics.

What can you do to support the Afghan refugees?

Approach your state, territory and local governments. Ask them to demonstrate acts of solidarity such as providing additional quarantine places, follow the South Australian parliament’s lead to pass a motion supporting refugees from Afghanistan or lighting up public buildings.

How did the US treat the Pashtuns in Afghanistan?

Americans initially depended on the support of Northern Alliance in invading Afghanistan. They treated Pashtuns as traitors and terrorists and launched massive operations against them. Although these military offensives were aimed against the Taliban, the Pashtun population got an impression of mass genocide.

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What is the United States government doing in Afghanistan?

The United States government is facing a tough challenge in Afghanistan. Eight years of Bush-Cheney Afghan policy have not borne fruit, and the Taliban is charging ahead with gusto. American and NATO forces, on the other hand, have hewed towards a defensive line.