What is the answer to this riddle you Enter a room?

What is the answer to this riddle you Enter a room?

The most accepted answer for this riddle is six. While some people think the answer to be zero as the think that all the animals listed are on the bed and the chickens flying is a distraction. So they end up giving the answer zero to it.

How many legs are in a room puzzle?

The answer is: “Since all of the animals are on the bed and no other furniture is mentioned in the room, there are six legs on the floor. Four legs from the bed and your own two legs as you stand in the room amazed that someone managed to get so many animals onto a bed. And the ceiling must be vaulted to fit a giraffe.

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What get wet while drying?

What gets wet while drying? The answer is: A towel.

What is the answer to how many legs are on the floor?

‘ answer. The answer is: “Since all of the animals are on the bed and no other furniture is mentioned in the room, there are six legs on the floor. Four legs from the bed and your own two legs as you stand in the room amazed that someone managed to get so many animals onto a bed.

How did the Bellboy get the three men into the room?

Three men go into a motel. The desk clerk said the room was $30, so each man paid $10 and went to the room. A while later, the desk clerk realized the room was only $25, so he sent the bellboy to the three guys’ room with $5.

How much do the three men pay for a hotel room?

1) The three men start out with $10 each ($10 x 3 = $30). 2) The three men pay $30 for a hotel room. Afterwards, a five dollar overcharge is returned to them ($25 + $5 = $30). 3) The bellboy divides up the $5 overcharge, returning $1 to each of the three men…

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How much did the Bellboy split $5 evenly between three men?

On the way, the bellboy couldn’t figure out how to split $5 evenly between three men, so he gave each man $1 and kept the other $2 for himself. This meant that the 3 men each paid $9 for the room, which is a total of $27. Add to that the $2 the bellboy kept and the total is $29.