
Do INTJs get embarrassed easily?

Do INTJs get embarrassed easily?

When INTJs are very young they can often become embarrassed much easier than they do as they grow up. They will become especially embarrassed if they fail to live up to their own standards. If the INTJ doesn’t do well on a test or in any academic situation, they will likely become embarrassed.

Are INTJ good problem solvers?

INTJs are great problem solvers because they will gather as much information as possible, and use their inner minds to process the best and most logical solution. They are also rather intuitive people, and have a knack for processing a lot of information, where other people will miss things.

Are INTJs awkward?

INTJs might not fully realize that they can have awkward tendencies, but this comes from not being all that connected with people or social norms. Sometimes when the INTJ is trying to approach a new social situation they can appear rather confident, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have some awkward behaviors.

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How do you deal with intjs?

Stick to a statement after being proven wrong by facts or reasoning and an INTJ will treat you as an irrational idiot and everything you say as probable nonsense. Try not to be repetitive. It bores them to death and they’ll make damned sure you realise they’re bored to death.

Why do intjs like to tear things apart?

INTJs enjoy tearing things apart to understand them and to prove (or disprove) their worthiness. They will gladly argue a point they don’t actually support, just for the sake of argument or to probe things.

Do intjs have a good sense of humour?

If in doubt, ask. INTJs do have a strong sense of humour, often dry and quick, but also a bit warped. It can easily take a morbid streak. Expect blunt, honest, sometimes even hurtful answers: if you don’t want to hear the truth, you wouldn’t ask, would you?

Are all intjs sarcastic?

Not all INTJs will fully conform to (or even agree with) all these points… there’s a wide spectrum of variation out there. For instance, there is a rumour going round that some INTJs are less sarcastic than others. So PLEASE don’t take this tooseriously: INTJs, after all, tend to take things seriously.