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Do Ivy Leagues care about SAT scores?

Do Ivy Leagues care about SAT scores?

No matter what you might’ve heard, Ivy League schools have no preference between the ACT and SAT. You can submit scores from either test or from both of them without worrying that your application will be dinged. Ultimately, choosing between the SAT and the ACT comes down to personal preference.

How much do SAT scores matter Ivy League?

An SAT score of 1580 (out of 1600) or ACT score of 35 (out of 36) will place you right in the top 25\% for most Ivy League schools, whereas an SAT score of 1450 or ACT score of 31 would put you at the boundary of the bottom 25\%….What’s a Good SAT/ACT Score for the Ivy League?

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School Name Harvard
75\% SAT 1580
25\% SAT 1460
75\% ACT 35
25\% ACT 33

Can I get into Harvard with 1400 SAT?

While a 1400 makes you eligible to apply to places such as Harvard, Yale, and the University of Pennsylvania, it won’t make you a competitive candidate.

What SAT score do you need to get into Ivy League schools?

You’re going to need good SAT scores to get into an Ivy League school. While you don’t need a perfect 1600 on the exam to be admitted, successful applicants do tend to be in the top couple of percentiles.

Do you need a perfect SAT/ACT score to get into Ivy?

You need more than a perfect SAT or ACT score to get into an Ivy League school. Ivy League schools look for strong test scores as well as strong recommendations, extracurriculars, and GPAs, which I’ll call “Other Factors.” If you have a great SAT/ACT score, then you can get away with merely excellent Other Factors.

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Can only geniuses get into Ivy League schools?

Only geniuses can get into Ivy League schools; I’m too much of a “jock.” I think one of the biggest misconceptions with Ivy Leagues is that every student at these schools has a 4.0 GPA in school, alongside perfect SAT and ACT scores.

Which Ivy League schools have holistic admissions?

All of the Ivy League schools have truly holistic admissions. In other words, the admissions folks are evaluating the entire applicant, not just his or her numerical measure such as SAT scores and GPA.