
What is BC 20?

What is BC 20?

Reckeweg BC 20 Tablet is recommended for treating skin problems, acne, eczema, psoriasis, cracks and chaps, post-operative scars, eruptions, herpes and other eruptive diseases….Dr. Reckeweg BC 20 SKIN CARE (40 g)

Model Name BC 20 SKIN CARE
Applied For Skin Toning
Treatment Form Capsules

What is BC13 reckeweg?

Description. Reckeweg Biocombination Tablets BC13 is a German Homeopathy Leucorrhoea Treatment. Useful for discharge like white of eggs, acrid and watery. Also indicated for general weakness of young girls with or without functional neuroses.

What is acid chryso?

SBL Acid Chryso Ointment helps in the treatment of psoriasis, red, itchy, dry and scaly patches, dry eczema, ringworm, psoriasis vulgaris and eruptions. Key Ingredients: Acid chryso (White petrolatum, paraffin and lanolin)

What does leucorrhoea mean?

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leukorrhea, also spelled leucorrhoea, flow of a whitish, yellowish, or greenish discharge from the vagina of the female that may be normal or that may be a sign of infection. Such discharges may originate from the vagina, ovaries, fallopian tubes, or, most commonly, the cervix.

Is Leukorrhea a STD?

Background. Leukorrhea, or vaginal discharge, is often a primary presenting symptom of sexually transmitted disease (STD) in women of rural Himalayan communities of India.

What can homeopathy treat?

Among the most common conditions that people seek homeopathic treatment for are:

  • asthma.
  • ear infections.
  • hay fever.
  • mental health conditions, such as depression, stress and anxiety.
  • allergies, such as food allergies.
  • dermatitis (an allergic skin condition)
  • arthritis.
  • high blood pressure.

What is acid chryso used for?

SBL Acid Chryso Ointment helps in the treatment of psoriasis, red, itchy, dry and scaly patches, dry eczema, ringworm, psoriasis vulgaris and eruptions.

How do you use acid chryso?

Utilization of SBL Acid Chryso Ointment: Apply the cream subsequent to cleaning on the influenced part. Apply two times every day for better outcomes.

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How do you treat leucorrhea at home?

Some Homemade Remedies for Sailan-ur- Rahem (Leucorrhoea)

  1. Clean the vaginal area with freshly squeezed lemon juice and water.
  2. Consume lady finger, preferably lightly steamed or in the raw form.
  3. Eat one or two ripe bananas daily.
  4. Drink one glass of fresh cranberry juice, preferably without any sugar, once a day.