What is dasha in Vedic astrology?

What is dasha in Vedic astrology?

The Sanskrit term “dasha” in Hindu astrology is used to indicate planetary periods. The planetary periods indicate when the good or bad effects are produced according to their placement by sign (Rasi), house (Bhava), combinations (Yogas or Raja Yogas) or aspects (Drishti). “Dasha” is the major period of a planet.

Which dasha is good for house?

Houses are generally made or bought in the dashas of Jupiter Venus or mars. Jupiter should be transiting or aspecting the first fourth eighth or twelfth houses.

Which dasha is accurate?

When researching on Jaimini, I find Parasara Chara Dasha is accurate by using a 144 years cycle of life.

What is Maha Dasha?

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Mahadasha is a great period that knocks at the door of your fate and brings great and fruitful results. The Mahadasha span is of 120 years in total, which is distributed amongst nine planets. Different Mahadasha has a different effect on your life depending on what is the foundation of that planet in general.

What is the importance of dashdashas in astrology?

Dashas hold an importance place in astrology. They affect the incidents and situations in a person’s life. Dasha reflect the effects that various planets have on a person’s life.

What are the different types of mahadasha in astrology?

It’s also one of the types of Mahadasha that includes Antar dasha, Pratyantar dasha, Sookshma dasha, and Pran dasha. While determining an individual’s birth chart, it’s important to note the movement of each planet through Antra Dasha in the period of Mahadasha.

How to learn Vedic astrology with Nakshatra?

Taking an Introduction to Dashas is the first step for learning a simple and practical approach to Vedic Astrology. While studying the Dashas and their effects, Nakshatra is the prime factor to determine the Lord of the Dasha. If these two are compatible with each other, the results will also be positive.

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What happens when dashas change?

Due to the transition period, when Dashas change, there will be major shifts in energy, resulting in a sudden change in someone’s behavior. This can be observed in advance by studying the preceding Bhukti period. We already know what Mahadasha means and its divisions called Dasha Bhukti.