Is the primal monitor stronger than the Presence?

Is the primal monitor stronger than the Presence?

Powers and Abilities As the representation of the real world paper in which DC comics is drawn on, the Primal Monitor is virtually the strongest being in all of DC Comics. It exceeds the power of the Presence, who it views like a “germ”.

Who is more powerful than Presence in DC Comics?

The Presence has undergone many different forms and known by many different names in the DC Universe, including Yahweh, The Voice, The Hand, The Source, The Presence and, oddly enough, Wally. There is no character more powerful or stronger than The Presence.

Is Dr Manhattan stronger than The Presence?

No. There are far stronger heroes that use magic, can manipulate reality (some on multiversal scale) and are less limited in terms of capabilities. But that’s because Moore never meant Dr. Manhattan to be the strongest.

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Is Overvoid more powerful than the Presence?

Summary: Presence is basically the Abrahamic god of the DC universe. He created it and is absolutely omnipotent. The overvoid is everything outside of the DC multiverse.

Who is stronger the one above all or the presence?

The One Above All(Marvel) is stronger than The Presence(D.C.). The thing which people don’t know about The Presence is that, he is not Omnipotent. Now, it is possible that, The Presence is either referring to the Writers of D.C. Comics or certain Emotions. But, “Omnipotent” literally means “All-Powerful”.

Who is the most powerful in the DC Universe?

The 12 Most Powerful Characters In The DC Universe 1 The Presence. 2 Lucifer Morningstar. 3 Michael Demiurgos. 4 Spectre. 5 Elaine Belloc. 6 Superman Prime (One Million) 7 Eclipso. 8 Decreator. 9 The Endless. 10 Mr. Mxyzptlk.

Is Superman Prime the strongest DC character?

Again, Superman Prime is definitely one of the strongest and most powerful DC characters. He is definitely the strongest Superman. 5.

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How powerful is the IMP in the 3rd dimension?

The main heroes of the DC Universe exist in the 3rd Dimension. In the 3rd dimension, he is incredibly powerful. When the imp visits the 3rd dimension, he has unlimited powers to warp reality and basically do whatever he wants. He is not limited by the physical laws of the dimension and he also cannot be seriously harmed.