Tips and tricks

What are the effects of Ketu Mahadasha and Saturn Antardasha?

What are the effects of Ketu Mahadasha and Saturn Antardasha?

This Antardasha is considered harmful in Vedic astrology due to the negative relationship between the Moon and Ketu. Their combined effect eclipses one’s chances of happiness. Here, Ketu reduces the beneficial effects of the Moon, so the native feels a lot of trouble and depression during this period.

Can we wear Neelam in Shani Mahadasha?

This gemstone can be worn even when Shani’s Mahadasha, Antardasha, Shani half-and-half or Dhaiya is going on. Effective in Shani Sade Sati: This gemstone is very auspicious for the victims of Shani Sade Sati. The effective rays of Neelam stone protect a person from the bad effects of Shani’s Sadesati.

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What do you wear in Ketu Dasha?

Cat’s eye is said to be the best gemstone for treating Ketu Mahadasa. You should wear a cat’s eye stone to maximize the advantages of the planet Ketu in your life; Not only does cat-eye or lehsuniya stone help a person achieve immediate success and riches in his / her life.

Is blue sapphire lucky during Mahadasha and antardasha of Saturn?

This effective and powerful gemstone can be proved immensely lucky during Mahadasha and Antardasha of Saturn. As the Saturn is the most beneficial planet, it can be used throughout life by the native. The blue sapphire can be more effective when it is used along with the Diamond the gem for the ascendant lord Venus.

What are the benefits of wearing a blue sapphire during mahadasha?

However, the blue sapphire is prescribed during the Mahadasha and Antardasha of Saturn if it is posited in the own house in Capricorn, Aquarius and exalted in Pisces. The blue sapphire can help to get rid of debt, disease, and enemies. It can also help develop the matrimonial relation.

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How long does the Ketu Mahadasha and Venus antardasha last?

The Ketu Mahadasha and Venus Antardasha continue for 1 year 2 months in one’s life. The Ketu Mahadasha and Shukra Antardasha is one of the best time in one’s life. The planet brings many beneficial results during its stint.

Can I wear a blue sapphire if I am Aries ascendant?

If you belong to Aries Ascendant, the planet Saturn is the lord of the 10th and 11th house. Hence, the planet Saturn is the not a beneficial planet. It is not recommended to wear blue sapphire for the person born in the Aries ascendant since it will bring negative result.