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What GATE score is required for PHD in IISc?

What GATE score is required for PHD in IISc?

For students from any recognised institute or university other than IISc, IITs, NITs, IISERs, IIEST, IIITs and CFTIs, the requirement of GATE score is reduced to 650 from 750 apart from a minimum CGPA of 8 or equivalent.

Is Gate required for PHD in IISc?

There is no need to qualify in any of the national entrance tests. Applicant with BE/B Tech/M Sc and a valid GATE score are eligible to apply to Research – Ph D program.

What gate rank is required for IISc?

IISc GATE Cutoff for 2019 are as follows….IISc GATE Cutoff 2019.

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Program Electrical Engineering (EE)
OBC 675
EWS 700
SC 400
ST 300

Does IISc offer aerospace engineering?

Department of Aerospace Engineering at IISc is the first University in India to start a Ph. D Program way back in 1950’s.

Is GATE score mandatory for PhD in IIT?

A candidate with a Bachelor’s degree from any IIT and having a CGPA/CPI score of 8.00 (out of 10.0) and above can apply for admission to PhD programmes. Such candidates are exempted from the requirement of GATE qualification.

What is the minimum GATE score required for aerospace engineering at IIST?

However, since there was few seats left vacant after the first call, a spot allotment was held which required a minimum GATE score requirement of 4 The Aerospace department in IIST takes GATE scores in two different streams for shortlisting the candidates into three different branches of post graduation.

Can I get admission in aerospace engineering through the gate?

Admission to GATE Aerospace students are available in many branches and many other IITs. Many people drop every year because they did not know.!! Join gang with The Admission Guru. Following table shows the cutoff for admission to Aerospace Engg. dept of various institutes as per GATE AE exam score.

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What is the minimum marks required to get admission in IISc/IIT aerospace department?

The minimum marks required to get admission into IISc/IIT Aerospace department are increasing every year. For admission year 2013 following was the cutoff (out of 100) for General category. At IITK, for direct admission 56+ score is required.

What is the minimum GATE score required to get admission in IITs?

For admission into top IITs, the student must score a GATE rank below 200. However, the students having a rank in the range of 600-800 can also get admission into IITs and IIITs.