Why did the Jedi betray the Republic?

Why did the Jedi betray the Republic?

Execution. How widespread is this?” Aayla Secura was among many Jedi who were betrayed by their clone troopers as a result of Order 66. Palpatine used the duel as a pretext to declare that the Jedi were traitors, ones who had attempted to assassinate him and take control of the Republic for themselves.

Why was the Jedi Order corrupted?

Star Wars has always shown the Jedi Order as good and the Sith as the villains. Similarly, this dynamic is applied to the Jedi and Sith creeds, consistent across its media from books to comics and even MMOs. …

Why do the Jedi fight for the Republic?

Originally Answered: Why is Jedi Order involved in politics during Clone Wars? The Jedi were affiliated with the Republic for so long that they lost the sense of their true purpose. They basically became a Force sensitive guardians of the Republic, defended it no matter what and were blinded by what it has become.

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Why did the Republic hate Jedi?

People of all around the galaxy were probably to lies by the newly formed empire. Generations to generations were passed down to hate Jedi. Most just feared the Jedi and would have lies told on each other’s. The empire tells lies on the Jedi and make them seem like criminals.

Which Jedi was a traitor?

Jedi General Pong Krell
During the Battle of Umbara, Jedi General Pong Krell was revealed to be a traitor to the Galactic Republic, having deliberately attempted to get as many of the clone troopers under his command as possible killed in an attempt to become the Sith apprentice of Count Dooku.

Why didn’t the Galactic Republic have a military?

Originally Answered: Why did the Republic didn’t have a Military before the Clone Wars? Because of the Ruusan Reformation and because they didn’t really need one as they had no more external threats.

Did any Sith become Jedi?

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Originally Answered: Did any Sith ever become a Jedi? Yes. The Jedi Knight story in SWTOR both introduces you to a Sith who became a Jedi and also gives you the opportunity to convince a Sith you fight to defect and if you succeed, he reappears later on as a Jedi.