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How much time difference we find in the local times between the two extreme places starting from the West to the east?

How much time difference we find in the local times between the two extreme places starting from the West to the east?

since India has a 30 longitudes’ distance it beings a 120 minutes’ distance from west to east of India. Each gap between longitudes have a four minutes’ distance between them. therefore the time gap from the east most longitude to the west most longitude is 30 multiplied by 4, that is, 120 minutes, which is 2 hours.

Does the sunset in different places throughout the year?

Bottom line: The amount of the sun’s movement along your horizon – at sunrise or sunset – varies with the time of year, and also your latitude. Also, the sun’s daily change of position along the horizon is greater the farther north or south you are from Earth’s equator.

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Which Indian city has first sunset?

NEW DELHI: Before the sun emerges from behind the hills of the Northeast, and from beyond the sea along India’s east coast, it rises in Dong, which is in a valley in Arunachal Pradesh.

Why does the sunset in different places?

Instead of a perfectly-circular orbit, Earth’s orbit around the Sun is slightly elliptical. The combination of Earth’s elliptical orbit and the tilt of its axis results in the Sun taking different paths across the sky at slightly different speeds each day. This gives us different sunrise and sunset times each day.

What is the maximum difference in the local time of extreme east and west of India?

India stretches 3,000km (1,864 miles) from east to west, spanning roughly 30 degrees longitude. This corresponds with a two-hour difference in mean solar times – the passage of time based on the position of the sun in the sky.

Why there is a time difference of almost 2 hours from Arunachal Pradesh to Gujarat?

Gujarat lies to the extreme west of India whereas Arunachal Pradesh is situated to the extreme east of India. The sun rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh than in Gujarat. There is a time lag of two hours between Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh, due to the longitudinal extent of India.

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Where the sun rises last in India?

Therefore the sunrise is first seen in India by Arunachal Pradesh at Dong, while sun rises last at Gujarat in Guhar Moti.

What is the maximum difference between local time and standard time in India?

(2) The difference between the local time at 82°30′ E longitude and the local time at the extreme west and east longitude passing through India is not more than one hour.

What is the biggest time difference on Earth?

Biggest Time Difference On Earth. Some places on earth do not use the international time zones, that is, they do not use the UTC system of +12 and -12 hours UTC. Some areas on earth use time zones that exist but are not defined by the current time convention. Some areas on earth use a time zone of +13 hours UTC or even +14 hours UTC.

How many days does the sun rise and set exactly twice?

Irrespective of where you are on the globe, the Sun will always rise exactly East and set exactly West on two days: March 21 and September 21 which are the two equinoxes.

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How much does the location of the sun rising and setting change?

How much does the location of the sun rising and setting change throughout the year and depending upon where your viewpoint is, i.e., true East, true West, etc. Irrespective of where you are on the globe, the Sun will always rise exactly East and set exactly West on two days: March 21 and September 21 which are the two equinoxes.

What is the largest difference between two countries’ time zones?

The largest difference between the time zones of two countries is 26 hours between the Howland Islands and the Line Islands. The clocks in the world are under the regulation of the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which is not adjusted for daylight savings.