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Is it hard to get placed off campus?

Is it hard to get placed off campus?

Yes, it is difficult to get off campus placement for a fresher as most of the off campus vacancies often require the candidate to have some experience.

What should I do if I dont get campus placement?

What should I do if I don’t get a campus placement?

  1. Get an Internship, if you have not got a campus placement.
  2. Off-campus jobs works, do that if you have not got a campus placement.
  3. Short term courses during or after the college.
  4. Long term courses.
  5. Move to a new city for more exposure.
  6. Learn new skillsets online.

How can I crack off-campus interview?

This is why with the right tips, hacks, and hard work, you can easily crack off-campus placements.

  1. Focus On What You Want.
  2. Perfect Your Resume.
  3. Do Your Research Properly.
  4. Update Your Social Media Accounts.
  5. Create Connections.
  6. Prepare For Interviews And Tests.
  7. Apply For Roles.
  8. Keep Your Documents Handy.
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Is placement year paid?

Placements are year-long programmes in which a student takes a year out of their degree to work in industry. They work on a full-time basis and get paid like any other regular employee.

Are placement interviews hard?

Truth to be told, it’s not difficult to crack the campus placement interview. To make sure you get the job of your dreams, preparation is the key. Finding a job can be challenging. More so when young college graduates without any experience look for fresher jobs.

How to find a job off-campus for Freshers?

Every step in your off-campus job search needs careful planning. The first step towards finding a job off-campus is writing an impeccable fresher resume. Take the help of Firstnaukri resume maker tool that helps you create a high quality resume for freshers for free.

Are off-campus placements worth it?

Off-campus placements are a great alternative for those who didn’t exactly find what they were looking for in campus placements. In the off-campus vs on-campus placements debate, off-campus placements usually get the second position as students are more focused on getting jobs through campus placements.

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Is it better to get a job on campus or off campus?

Both on campus and off campus placements have their pros and cons; it is up to your calibre to leverage the right opportunity to land the best campus job for yourself. So, we have broken down the off-campus vs on-campus debate to help you understand which way you should bend.

How to prepare for an Off-Campus Drive?

You are most likely to give a written test during an off-campus drive. So, prepare for the same by taking as many aptitude tests as possible. After all, practice makes one perfect. Gather as much information as possible about the companies you are going to appear for during the off-campus drives.