When did Quirrell start wearing the turban?

When did Quirrell start wearing the turban?

Turban: During the 1991-1992 school year, Quirrell wore a turban to hide his master’s face on the back of his head, for which he claimed was gifted to him by an African prince.

Did Quirrell wear a turban?

When Harry first meets Quirrell, he has adopted a turban for everyday wear. His nerves, expressed most obviously in his stammer, are so pronounced that it is rumoured the turban is stuffed full of garlic, to ward off vampires.

Why did Quirrell turban smell?

History. Quirinus Quirrell’s classroom, as well as his turban, were said to smell strongly of garlic, which many students believed was to protect against a vampire Quirrell claimed to have met on his travels in Romania. Potter that his breath may smell of garlic, only to be told by Lily that it smelt of porridge.

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How long was Quirrell at Hogwarts?

Professor Quirinus Quirrell (26 September, 1969 – 4 June, 1992) was a British half-blood wizard, a Death Eater and the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from September 1991 to June 1992. He attended Hogwarts in Ravenclaw House from 1981 to 1988.

Why did Quirrell not shake Harry’s hand?

In the books it says that Quirrell shakes Harry’s hand, and this doesn’t effect him because he isn’t yet possessed by Voldemort. In the movie however, he has his turban on and we can only assume that he is possessed by that point.

Why does Quirrell smell like garlic?

Quirinus Quirrell’s classroom, as well as his turban, were said to smell strongly of garlic, which many students believed was to protect against a vampire Quirrell claimed to have met on his travels in Romania. Potter that his breath may smell of garlic, only to be told by Lily that it smelt of porridge.

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Why is Quirrell wearing a turban in the book?

In the film version of Philosopher’s Stone, Quirrell was wearing the turban at the Leaky Cauldron pub when he first met Harry Potter. However, in the book he wasn’t, as he had not been possessed by Lord Voldemort until after his failed attempt to steal the Stone from Gringotts.

What did Professor Quirrell look like when he met Harry?

In the beginning of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Harry meets Professor Quirrell in The Leaky Cauldron for the first time, and the two shake hands with no problem: A pale young man made his way forward, very nervously. One of his eyes was twitching.

What was Quirrell’s first plan in Harry Potter?

Quirrell’s first plan was enacted before the school term started and involved going to Diagon Alley in an attempt to steal the Philosopher’s Stone from Gringotts Wizarding Bank for Voldemort. While in the Leaky Cauldron, he met Harry Potter, who had come with Rubeus Hagrid.

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How did Harry Potter meet Rubeus Hagrid and Quirrell?

While in the Leaky Cauldron, he met Harry Potter, who had come with Rubeus Hagrid. Quirrell pretended that he was going to buy a new book on vampires. Quirrell was unsuccessful in his attempted robbery, as Rubeus Hagrid had removed the Stone from its vault earlier that same day on Albus Dumbledore ‘s orders.