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How bad does a tooth have to be extracted?

How bad does a tooth have to be extracted?

When Should You Consider Tooth Extraction You may need to have a tooth extracted if: Periodontal disease has badly infected the tooth. The tooth is badly damaged and cannot be restored by a filling or a crown. You are suffering from pain even after a filling, crown, or treatment for a root canal.

Which teeth should be removed for braces?

Which teeth are extracted depends on the patient’s specific case, but generally, the premolars (the 4th and 5th teeth in order from the front) are the most likely to be removed. In some cases, a back molar may be removed in addition, or instead, of the premolars.

What are the contraindications for tooth extraction?

Contra-indications for an extraction are usually temporary and concern the general medical suitability of the patient for surgery (bleeding tendency, immunosuppression, condition following myocardial infarction < 6 months), or a local surgical disorder (abscess, tumor).

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What hurts more root canal or tooth extraction?

Final Verdict: Save the Tooth if Possible In addition, healing from an extraction takes longer and is often more painful than healing from a root canal, and pulling the tooth means even more dental procedures and healing time to replace it later. Still, pulling the tooth might be right for some situations.

How long after extraction can I get braces?

The short answer to this issue is no; you should not wait until after your wisdom teeth are removed (or even for them to erupt) to get braces. Braces are primarily used to straighten crooked teeth, align bites or malocclusions, and remove or create space so that permanent teeth can properly come in as they grow.

What’s an extraction of the tooth?

Simple: A simple tooth extraction involves the removal of a tooth that is visible in the mouth. This could mean removing a badly damaged or decayed tooth, or removing teeth prior to getting braces. General dentists can do simple tooth extractions.

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What is a simple extraction?

Simple extractions are relatively easy procedures that can be performed by your dentist in the office, requiring little to no major recovery time. This type of extraction is done on teeth that are clearly visible in the mouth, and not still hiding beneath the gums.

Will tooth extraction be necessary for lingual braces?

Many patients looking into lingual braces are curious about whether tooth extraction will be necessary. The answer to this question depends on your unique teeth and your goals in orthodontic work. Dr. Adam Schulhof is an expert in orthodontic work and can help you to make the right decision.

Do I need my teeth extracted for Invisalign?

The only time when this is not a viable option is when a patient has unsalvageable tooth damage or severe stages of tooth decay. Invisalign generally reduces the need for a tooth removal because it works by gently expanding a patient’s jaw. This can create room for the teeth that are overcrowded and eliminate any need for extractions.

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Should I have my teeth removed before I get braces?

Removing these teeth before orthodontic work will prevent a lot of pain and the need for ongoing treatment. The jaw is not large enough to accommodate all your teeth. If you have questions or concerns about whether tooth removal is needed before you can get braces, it is important to discuss this with your orthodontist.

Should I see an oral surgeon for a tooth extraction?

Upon Recommendation. If your dentist recommends an oral surgeon, always follow the advice. This means the extraction is beyond the scope of the dentist’s capabilities and requires expert knowledge. Tooth removal is never pleasant, but in the right hands it can be safer and less complicated.