
Is USA older than England?

Is USA older than England?

The answer is America. Native Americans lived in America prior to the human settlement of England. But if one ask which country among these two is older in its present demographics then in that case England is the oldest.

Did England ever take over America?

These colonies were formally known as British America and the British West Indies before the Thirteen Colonies declared their independence in the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) and formed the United States of America….British America.

British America and the British West Indies
Capital Administered from London, England

What is the difference between the British and American political system?

One of the biggest differences is the system of government. Whilst both countries have 2 legislative bodies (The House of Representatives and the Senate vs The House of Commons and The House of Lords), the leaders of the country are elected differently.

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What is the history of England/Great Britain?

England/Great Britain has a very rich history. From its conquest by the Romans and subsequent history as a Roman colony to its contribution to victory in WWII Great Britain has had an enormous influence on world history. Some of the important milestones of British history are:

Did you know there are cultural differences between America and Britain?

Here are some cultural differences you may not be aware of. Americans typically begin their day with a cup of coffee, either a plain ‘cup of joe’ or something fancier with frothy milk and syrups, and they consume 400 million cups a day. Britons, on the other hand, begin their day with tea.

What are the main differences between American and British cars?

Everyone knows that drivers in Britain (or America) drive on ‘wrong’ side of the road, but that is not the only difference. British cars tend to be much smaller, perhaps because gas (petrol) is so much more expensive. Over 75\% of British cars are stick-shift (manual) cars, compared with 2\% in America. [8]