
What is Lemmy Kilmister known for?

What is Lemmy Kilmister known for?

Ian Fraser Kilmister (24 December 1945 – 28 December 2015), better known as Lemmy, was an English musician who was the founder, lead singer, bassist, primary songwriter, and only continuous member of the rock band Motörhead.

Why does Lemmy have his microphone so high?

Answer has 3 votes. Lemmy Kilmister, the singer, bass guitarist and founding member of Motorhead, states he positions the microphone high for “personal comfort”. He also adds that it is also a way of avoiding seeing the audience (be it a huge crowd or 10 people and a dog).

Is Motörhead heavy metal?

Most often classified as heavy metal, Motörhead has been credited with being part of and influencing numerous musical scenes, thrash metal and speed metal especially. Lemmy, however, always insisted that they were a rock and roll band.

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What did Lemmy play?

Lemmy always played a Rickenbacker Bass guitar on stage. He had many guitars including: Rickenbacker 4001.

How old is Lemmy?

70 years (1945–2015)
Lemmy/Age at death

Does Lemmy have a son?

Paul Inder
Sean Kilmister

What band was Lemmy in before Motorhead?

Motörhead1975 – 2015
Hawkwind1972 – 1975The Head Cat1999 – 2015The Rockin’ Vickers1965 – 1967Sam Gopal1968 – 1969
Lemmy/Music groups

Where is Lemmy from?

Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom
Lemmy/Place of birth

Why did Philthy Animal leave Motorhead?

He said “I always regretted leaving. Let’s just say I took a three-year holiday.” He continued playing in the group until 1992. After having been warned three times in the previous two years “to get his act together”, he was fired after recording “I Ain’t No Nice Guy”, because of his poor performance.

What kind of guitar did Lemmy play?

Rickenbacker 4000 Series Lemmy almost exclusively played Rickenbacker through his career. His bass of choice was the 4000 series. He played hard and fast with a plectrum so he needed a solid instrument. Rickenbacker basses have a pronounced mid range growl which helps it cut through a wall of guitars.

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Who did Lemmy play with?

What does the name Lemmy mean?

Hebrew Baby Names Meaning: In Hebrew Baby Names the meaning of the name Lemmy is: Devoted to God. The hero (Lemuel Gulliver) of Jonathan Swift’s satire, ‘Gulliver’s Travels’.

What are some of the coolest Lemmy Kilmister facts?

One of the coolest Lemmy Kilmister facts is the fact that he toured with another rock and roll legend – Jimi Hendrix. This happened after he moved to London in 1967 where he befriended Hendrix’s bassist Noel Redding. He was a roadie for the group for eight months. Lemmy also was a roadie for the Nice.

How did Lemmy find out about Girlschool?

While Dave “Giggles” Gilligan from their label’s office scouted Girlschool, Lemmy listened to a single and found them “fucking excellent,” and the rest is rock history. “I liked the idea of girls being in a band,” he says in White Line Fever.

What was Lemmy’s job before Motorhead?

Before forming Motorhead in 1975, Lemmy was a bassist for the English rock band Hawkwind. However, because of drug possession in 1975, they kicked him out of the band. Which turned out to be a blessing in disguise for Lemmy and the world since it gave birth to Motörhead!

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Was Lemmy a feminist?

With coed collaborations like those mentioned here, as well as others with Doro Pesch and Nina Hagen, to his name, Lemmy’s legacy is massive and undeniable, but too little attention has been given to his feminist leanings and progressive views on sexual liberation.