
How do I keep my neighbors honey bees away?

How do I keep my neighbors honey bees away?

If your neighbor invites you to observe their beehive, keep a safe distance. We generally recommend standing at least ten feet away and never directly in front of the entrance.

Is it legal to remove bees nests?

Honey bees are not a legally protected species, so a honey bee colony or honey bee nest can be destroyed using insecticide; however this does not mean that a colony can just be killed using a can of insecticide. It’s an option but only a small part of the process.

Can you remove bees from a tree?

Removing bees from trees actually requires opening the tree or cutting it down so that you can cut out the brood comb and get the queen. This method gets most of the bees to adopt the new hive, but the queen and a few bees will remain in the tree and new bees will emerge so the nest continues.

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Can my Neighbours keep bees?

“Beekeepers have the right to keep bees. Their neighbours have the right to enjoy their property in peace. Badly kept and positioned colonies can be a nuisance”. It is a beekeeper’s responsibility to avoid their bees becoming a nuisance and to take appropriate steps if they so become.

Can bees damage trees?

Yes, it happens and yes, they can ruin and kill the tree. They can also make the tree very unstable and susceptible to uprooting or toppling with the slightest storm. So, how do you know if you have bees in your tree?

How do you get rid of a bee hive in a tree?

7 Smart Ways to Get Rid of Bees in a Tree

  1. 1 – Contact a Beekeeper.
  2. 2 – Sprinkle Cinnamon Around the Beehive.
  3. 3 – Try to Repel the Bees with Certain Plants.
  4. 4 – Mothballs.
  5. 5 – Kill the Bees with Chemical Sprays.
  6. 6 – Vinegar Spray.
  7. 7 – Call Exterminators.

Should I Ask my Neighbor to move the Bees?

If you, or a member of your family, are allergic to bee stings (though being stung away from the hive is very unlikely), it is reasonable to ask your immediate neighbor to move the bees.

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Who is responsible for removing bees from my property?

If you own the land where the bees are located, you are the one responsible for having them removed. Most of the time it is very clear who is responsible for having bees removed, but there are some grey areas. One of these exceptions is with Homeowner and Condo Associations.

How do I stop bees from coming to my house?

Your only recourse, if you want to reduce the number of bees visiting your property, is to negotiate with your beekeeping neighbor, and convince him/her to move the apiary many miles away.

What to do if your neighbor has a hive on your property?

Especially if the hives are close to the property line, ask your neighbor for the hive’s entrance to point away from your property, and establish fly-out routes by placing an obstacle between the hive and your property.