
Is Naruto more popular than one piece worldwide?

Is Naruto more popular than one piece worldwide?

As of December 2015, One Piece is still the best selling manga of all time, having sold more than 380+ Million copies. Dragon Ball Z is next followed by Naruto with 205 Million copies sold. 3. Both authors confirmed that their target was to beat each other when it comes to popularity and sales.

Which anime has more fans Naruto or One Piece?

One piece is best selling manga of all time with 380 million+ copies at second comes DBZ with 230 million and Naruto afterwards with 205 million copies. 2. But Naruto is much more popular than One piece in foreign land. 3.

Which is more famous anime or BTS?

Anime like Neon Genesis Evangelion, Naruto/Shippuden, Hunter x Hunter, etc. have more fame than BTS. BTS was just, like, a decade ago. So add up all anime fame and BTS’ fame, anime wins.

Is Dragon Ball Z better than Naruto/Shippuden?

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Naruto/Shippuden is overrated. an dragon ball is a old name anime fans of today know more about naruto more than dbz but dbz is more popular cause it was the anime that made alot of us watch anime today dragonball ftw in both choices There are a lot of amazing animes that are arguably better than both.

Is Naruto Shippuden the best anime with multiple openings?

From the highly-acclaimed GO to the solemn ending Wind, Naruto Shippuden didn’t let up when it came to crafting some of the greatest openings. Throughout the years, some were hit-and-miss, though some quickly emerged as fan-favorites. Coupled with the unique visuals, Naruto became one of the best anime with multiple openings.

Is Naruto Shippuden a different show from Naruto?

To me, Naruto Shippuden feels like a different show altogether from Naruto. They might share the same settings and characters, but there are many creative differences that set them apart—so much so that I now consider them as two separate anime series rather than two parts of one whole.

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