Is UPSC mains easy to crack?

Is UPSC mains easy to crack?

The UPSC Exam remains one of the most difficult exams in India. It takes a lot of hard work and time to prepare for this examination. The exam has three stages – UPSC Prelims, UPSC Mains, and UPSC Interview. The UPSC Mains is more difficult as it is subjective in nature.

When should we start answering for UPSC mains?

For many of us who do not have good writing skills, it is essential to start at least 8 months in advance in order to build those skills. These take time. The Writer personally started writing answers on a sheet of paper every day in the month of November-December and practised till 1 month before prelims.

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How can I delete UPSC mains in first attempt?

Revision is the most important weapon that helps you clear UPSC in the first attempt. It is not how much you study that matters, but how much you retain. So you should have a proper revision plan. Ideally one day of the week should be assigned for revision of what you have studied that week.

How difficult is the UPSC Mains?

The UPSC Mains is the second stage of the exam wherein the candidate has to write descriptive answers for nine papers. Answer writing is one of the most challenging aspects of IAS Mains.

How to improve your answer writing in the UPSC Mains Exam?

Some handy tips for improving your answer writing in the UPSC mains exam are given below. Give complete answers: It is important to take a multi-dimensional approach to answer writing in the IAS mains exam. You should approach the answer from 360 degrees and start writing.

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What is the word limit for the UPSC IAS MAINS exam?

The word limit is a crucial factor in UPSC IAS Mains exam. UPSC sets a word limit of 150–200 words for every question in the GS mains paper.the UPSC question paper says “content of the answer is more important than its length.” to maintain the word limit one must practice answer writing.

What is the word limit for writing an answer in UPSC?

UPSC sets a word limit of 150–200 words for every question in the GS mains paper.the UPSC question paper says “content of the answer is more important than its length.” to maintain the word limit one must practice answer writing. Writing an answer on a daily basis will help one in UPSC IAS Mains exam.