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Can you be just friends with someone you used to sleep with?

Can you be just friends with someone you used to sleep with?

In general, I would say yes, it’s totally possible to be platonic friends with a guy you’ve slept with.

What do you do when you catch your feelings for a friend?

What To Do If You Catch Feelings For Your Guy Friend

  1. Assess the situation. Try and think of what set these feelings in motion.
  2. Decide if you actually like them or not.
  3. Weigh the risk.
  4. Try to figure out how he feels about you.
  5. Consider telling another friend.
  6. Tell him.
  7. Or don’t tell him.

How do you just be friends with someone you slept with?

Here are some tips on how to remain friends with someone you’ve hooked up with.

  1. Choose the right person. Not everyone you date or sleep with is going to be cut out to stay friends in the long run.
  2. Give it time.
  3. Know the rules.
  4. Be on the same page.
  5. Get over the past.
  6. Don’t be afraid.
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Should I confess my feelings to a friend?

It’s disrespectful to the person your friend is with to go ahead and confess your feelings. It’s potentially only going to cause chaos and confusion for your friend, too. Not to mention that you could make things extremely awkward between the pair of you and even potentially risk losing or wounding your friendship.

Can You Be Friends with someone you have feelings for?

But it is possible to have a friendship with someone you have feelings for. “The trickiest part of maintaining a friendship with someone you’re in love with is that it absolutely requires you to accept this person exactly as they are,” Dr. Mark Borg Jr, PhD, a psychologist who specializes in relationships, tells Bustle.

How to stay friends when you want to break up?

Staying Friends When You Wanted More 1. Take time alone to collect yourself. Take time to forgive. 2. Realize that feelings are fleeting. 3. Practice non-attachment: know that one doesn’t own good qualities. 4. Play the no-blame game. 5. Form new boundaries and a new understanding.

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What do you do when you feel attracted to someone?

Similarly, be respectful and compassionate toward yourself. There are still some days when I see him that I feel attracted. I talk myself through it. I meditate. I call a friend for a walk. I offer forgiveness to myself and practice mindfulness until the feelings pass.

Is it OK to meet new friends outside of your friends?

But if you’re spending time away from your usual friend group, don’t be afraid to meet new people. It doesn’t have to be people you’re attracted to or romantically interested in — you can aim to meet new friends. For instance, if you take a class, introduce yourself to the person next to you.