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Are cracks normal in a new house?

Are cracks normal in a new house?

If you’re the owner of a newly-built home, you may be disconcerted to find small cracks developing around an area in your walls known as an expansion joint. These settlement cracks are perfectly normal and occur as a result of your new home – and all of its weight – settling in on its foundations.

Do cracks in walls indicate a structural problem?

Large, jagged, or diagonal cracks could indicate a structural problem. Jagged or diagonal cracks indicate that the foundation may have shifted or sunk, or another problem has occurred, such as the deterioration and collapse of supporting wood members due to termite damage.

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When should you worry about cracks in walls?

Cracks in your house can vary in length, width and direction. Typically, larger cracks (those bigger than 15mm in width) are a cause for concern and should be inspected by a structural engineer. Subsidence cracks usually appear quite suddenly, rather than slowly over time.

Do cracks in walls mean subsidence?

The major sign of subsidence is cracks in walls. Cracks caused by subsidence are normally of a diagonal nature and will suddenly appear in plaster work inside the building and on brickwork outside. Not all cracks are due to subsidence – fine, hairline cracks are usually nothing to worry about.

How common are settlement cracks?

Every house will see some settlement over the years. In fact, a few inches of settlement is nothing to worry about (assuming this settlement is evenly distributed across the structure). Soil expansion and contraction cannot be controlled and quality construction will hold up under normal variances.

How can you tell if a crack is subsidence?

If a crack is caused by subsidence, it will be: Thicker than a 10p coin (more than 3mm) Diagonal, and wider at the top than the bottom….Other signs of subsidence include:

  • Wallpaper crinkling at wall/ceiling joins.
  • Doors and windows sticking as frames warp.
  • Cracks where an extension joins the house.
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How long does it take a new house to settle?

Typically, a new house settles during its first three years of existence. House settling shouldn’t cause major issues — just cosmetic ones, such as a thin crack where the wall meets the ceiling, which can be patched up with a bit of Spackle.

Should I be worried about wall cracks in my house?

Wall cracks are common in Australian and New Zealand houses and though some are nothing to worry about, others can indicate a sinking or damaged foundation. If you don’t address problematic wall cracks, the damage to the foundations can quickly devalue your property. When do wall cracks indicate a structural problem?

What does it mean when you have cracks in Your House?

Sizable, jagged, or diagonal cracks may signify that the foundation may have shifted or sunk. Cracking in walls and ceilings may also be the result of damage to your home’s foundation. Big cracks that are more than a quarter-inch wide indicate a potential problem with the house’s structure.

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Are wall cracks in your home a sign of sinking?

Turning a blind eye to wall cracks in your home may mean you’re missing the warning signs for serious and ongoing structural damage. Wall cracks are common in Australian and New Zealand houses and though some are nothing to worry about, others can indicate a sinking or damaged foundation.

How do I know if my Foundation crack is serious?

There are many things to consider when determining whether a foundation crack is serious or not. For example, you must consider the number, size, and location of the cracks, as well as whether your home has other signs of structural damage. Generally, older homes have more structural issues, and consequently, need frequent foundation inspections.