
Are IIT worth the hype?

Are IIT worth the hype?

YES. More than you can ever imagine. When I was preparing for JEE, I just knew it was one of the most competitive exams in India. Even though I was aware of the fact that IITs are regarded as one of the best in the country, but little did I know that people think of IITians as someone who has been left behind by a UFO.

Why is there so much hype for IIT?

Why is there so much hype for IIT? – Quora. IITs are best engineering colleges given the fact that all the students who enter the premise have worked hard and possessed enough talent to crack one of the toughest examinations. IIT receives such awe because of the culture one gets while in IIT.

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Is IIT craze going down?

The craze for engineering as a career is on a downward trend with the number of registrations for Joint Entrance Examinations (JEE) going down each year for the past four years. Declining number of JEE registrations has also affected admissions in IITs.

Is IIT over hyped?

Yes there is a little over hype in India about IITs. But in, may be a decade or two, this will change as people get much aware of reality . You can even expect other institutes, and universities surpassing IITs in coming decades.

Is there any hype around the failure to get into IITs?

However, the hype surrounding the failure to get into the IITs is something that people need to have control over. Many students and their parents too think that if they cannot get into the IITs, the child is good for nothing. As if their future turns black and they cease to exist overnight. That should never be the outlook towards the IIT exams.

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Should the IIT-JEE be radically reformed?

Radical as it may sound, this sentiment has been gaining ground of late. The HRD ministry mooted a proposal to radically reform the IIT-JEE by even dismantling the JEE-Advanced, the flagship exam for the IITs. That proposal, however, was shot down by the IIT council a couple of months back.

Why is there a craze for IITs in India?

Calcutta University and University of Mumbai rank below 750. Compared to them, the IITs seem to be doing well. We really need to build world-class liberal arts colleges in India so that bright minds interested in history do not end up studying mechanical engineering. Another reason behind the craze for IITs is that our minds are rooted in the past.

Why are so many students not interested in engineering at IITs?

They aren’t really interested in even being engineers – they are just there because their parents, peers and society told them to take a shot at IIT, because if you are good at academics, then how is that you haven’t proven it by taking the IIT-JEE exam?