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Are INTJ good at reading others?

Are INTJ good at reading others?

INTJs are great at reading between the lines, it is often how they operate. For the INTJ it is rewarding to spend their time and energy taking things apart and learning more about them. They don’t just pay attention to the obvious answer, instead they want to read between the lines and see what else might be there.

Are INTJs good at noticing details?

INTJs often pay attention to all of the details, especially since they want to absorb as much information as possible. INTJs often process all of the details, even the smallest ones, and will use those details to come to conclusions.

Are INTJs emotionally intense?

Some INTJs are so used to being too intense for other people that they start to keep their emotions bottled up when in conflict. Learn to communicate your own emotions calmly and without anger.

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Do INTJ’s feel emotions?

INTJs still feel things deeply, and experience these emotions just like anyone else. They simply don’t want to focus on them, and so at times it can be something which causes excess stress in their lives. This is why it can become difficult for the loved ones of the INTJ at times, since they don’t naturally express these feelings.

Why are intjs so difficult to deal with?

Since INTJs don’t focus on emotions as much as others might, it can be difficult for them when these emotions do surface. While INTJs do feel things deeply, that doesn’t mean they focus on these emotions. They often prefer to find justification for their feelings, and tie them to more logical processes and thoughts.

Do intjs care about their loved ones?

INTJs do care about their loved ones and will pay attention to those feelings, but they don’t want to allow them to control their choices. Instead they express their caring by more practical means and want to do what they can to help the people around them to achieve their goals.